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Glider Crash? - Albany

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I just heard on the radio of a glider crash approx 85km out of Albany, WA. Tried to find a website but can't find any info... Anyone know? Poteroo?





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Very sad news indeed. RIP Alfred.


Actually I think it's just clicked who Alfred is... Youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/alfsrc - He commented on one of my videos after my gliding camp at Beverley with school and commented saying how nice the video was. He offered me a flight around the ranges this year. Once again I'm NOT sure if it's the same person, I really hope not. Very friendly person!





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The RAC rescue helicopter was originally sent to the accident scene, but was told to turn back a short time later when the injured man was found to be deceased.

Very very sad to hear of such a passionate aviator in a fatal accident like this. He really did love gliding and he went down doing what he loved.





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The scuttlebutt is that Alfred was being filmed (by friends) from the bluff at the time of the accident. He apparently had the downwind wing over the edge of the bluff and the other out in clean air. The downwind wind clipped some trees and the glider did a "ground loop" in mid air and went sraight down. Whether the wind dropped before hitting the trees or he was just too low is not clear.



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