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Aviators Model Code of Conduct


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Hi All,


I was tossing up whether this should be its own thread or part of the existing incidents threads but opted for its own. Mostly because it is something that I don't want missed and am hoping that RAAus pays attention.


I have just written an article on my blog (shameless plus: http://www.runway12.net/node/27) regarding an Aviator's Model Code of Conduct where you will see my thoughts in more detail and in the coming days I will be looking at specific parts of the code and analysing them and how they relate to recent incidents etc.


Basically a not for profit association in the US (secureAV) has developed a number code of conducts targeted to various parts of the pilot fraternity (LSA, Student, GA etc). These are not law however are kind of best practices for the various types. If you read them you will find that they are a culmination, and more, of everything that has been discussed here on these forums regarding various incidents. There can be no argument that these are an absolutely valuable resource that needs to be looked at from an RAAus front.


What I would like to see: I would like to see RAAus identify the resource, ammend it to fit our regulations (actually wouldn't require much work) and publish it on the website or in sports pilot. The original AMCC has given authorisation for exactly this to occur and indeed is the reason for these to be created in the first place.


So please have a read http://www.secureav.com/codes-of-conduct.html and tell me what you think.


My biggest concern with asking RAAus to look at this is that it would be 2 years (at least) before anything were done about it.









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Hey Shag,


Have to say that is really well spotted and I liked it a lot. I think there would be value even in getting this into RAA and GA schools for students to at least look over and pay some attention too.


We all heard other pilots and our instructors talk about that almost mythical quality in a pilot called airmanship and these are almost like it has been written on paper. Like a pilots mission statement, even having a copy framed and hung in aero clubs and private hangars would be a good idea. Reminded us all of our responsibilities as a pilot.


Think I might even print a copy and put it in my Auster flight manual.


Not sure about including them in the regs, but a brilliant resource that such be included some where and made readily avail for all pilots for sure.


You go my support, not that it's worth much!



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I had a quick glance at the Aircraft Maintenance Technician's Code, and it has some interesting points.


The one that hit me over the head the hardest was that of continued training. My first thought on glancing over it was that here is an area where CASA, with all its talk of promoting aviation safety, falls hopelessly short of the mark.


More later.





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CASA is the regulator. That might be seen as being safety related, but would only go part-way. The FAA operates under a policy where it is required to assist aviation. We don't have that situation. Nev



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You are sooooooo correct, Nev.


Aviation in Australia can only advance if the current role of CASA is abandoned, and our laws rewritten to have CASA operate under the same policy as the FAA.


That won't prevent CASA from being a regulator, but it will let it get more involved in the promotion of aviation as a remedy for the Tyranny of Distance that our great Nation suffers under.





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