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First flight in an LSA 55...

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Bennet, of Pathfinders fame, was "lent" a P-51 to orchestrate target marking on a night bombing raid. His first flight of a single-engined aeroplane more powerful than the Miles Master, was in a P-51, at night, over Germany, controlling a squadron of pathfinders whilst flying at low altitude through the flak over the target. He succeeded. He was not trained on an "easy" or "well-behaved" trainer.Now, I agree that a novice to flying should be eased in to the addiction; but to what degree a pilot's certificate is a professional qualification - as a Heavy Rigid d/l is - and to what degree it's a ticket to a pastime, is not so easy to define. One can't earn much money as an ultralight pilot; but the complexity of the task, and - here's the can of worms - the potential risk to third parties - makes it more similar to an HR licence than an ordinary D/L.


I suggest that all newly-elected politicians be strapped into a single-seat P-51 and sent off - those that return, may govern until the next election...

Just as a point of historical accuracy, that was Leonard Cheshire VC, not Bennett. Not that Bennett was any mean pilot himself.



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