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Being a poor swimmer, I only surf the net, and let's face it, there's a lot to hogwash out there. However, occassionaly one finds something a little different that grabs the attention.


Get a load of this. www.sunny-boxwing.de What a great little plane. I emailed Dieter for more info and got attached reply. Open the other link and review all. I found the English version hard to find, but then I'm pc illiterate.


Your comments?




Ooops. Sorry, don't know how to add Dieters email into my post, and now his links don't work from the attachment. the other link is http://www.sunny-light.de


dieter letter.doc


dieter letter.doc


dieter letter.doc

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Can I just say that it speaks volumes when it actually departs in front of the toilets?


Sorry Doug - awkward and ungainly spring to mind....:)




(See- I said we should have our own forum.....)



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Concept has been around for a while and seems fairly stable.


Not particularly fast but good visability, not sure if it would much of an improvement (if any) over a Drifter?


Looks like it would take a while to derig?





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