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QF32 - The Book

Guest Bigfella

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Guest Bigfella

I received the book for fathers day and read it while holidaying in sunny Coffs Harbour last week (geez you guys don't get many bad flying days up there, didn't see a cloud all week!)


It's not only a detailed account of what happened on flight qf32 out of singapore in 2010 but it's fascinating story of Richard De Crespigny's life and how he ended up in the left hand seat of the A380.


I also found it more enjoyable coming from a pilots point of view using 'flying' language, a must read!







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Started reading it but lost interest. I read somewhere that he was in fact caught out by someone who he mention in his book. Eg, his take on events are not exactly as it happened. This is before it even gets to the A380 story.



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I heard De Crespigny interviewed on a radio program a few weeks ago. In response to one question from the interviewer, he hesitatingly admitted that the person who wrote the book for him might have altered a couple of minor details at one point in the 380 story `for more dramatic effect' or some such words. I haven't read the book, but even if there are some inaccuracies intended to make him look a little more awesome than is warranted, that shouldn't detract much from the essence of what was obviously a remarkably well handled emergency.





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I have just finished reading the book. Can't say if his story is exaggerated or not but i found it to be an interesting read and detailed account of the whole event. very easy reading. Recommended.



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Guest Bigfella

Certainly not a prize winning novel but as furio says, an interesting read, if nothing more than learning a little about the A380.


i.e. max crosswind landing for the A380 is 40knots



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Guest Maj Millard

Just finished reading it..very enjoyable read on a very lucky incident. Wifey has now grabbed it, and is also enjoying it...........................highly recommended by me !...012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif



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