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Flight sim in Sydney area?


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Hi there - does anyone know of a proper flight simulator in the Sydney area that has a single engine (Cessna or similar) model? Obviously most of the ones I have seen around are all geared up for the Airbus.


Really want to try a proper one, ie not one on my own computer at home, but one with all the sounds and motion working instruments, etc.



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Guest Howard Hughes

You probably won't get motion on any decent IFR procedure trainer. There was a company some time back at Bankstown selling a motion sim with a Kingair/Baron setup. Went and had a look at it but the graphics looked like they were straight of microsoft flight sim. Not sure if they are still around.


Bankstown would be your best bet, have a look at some of the training school websites, fairly sure most would have an IFR trainer of some description.



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If you ever get up to the Sunshine Coast, there is a fixed base C172 sim (CASA cat b) at Nooseville. I've flown it a bit latter (helping the owner out) and it's very close to the real thing. I've even sent my son solo in it. It's a real C172 fuselage with all 4 seats in it, so you can take friends/family in with you.



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Hrm, well obvious to me at least in that most outfits are going to find that their bread and butter lies with the jumbo pilots keeping current, not with people like myself looking to brush up on single engine VFR on rainy weekends.


i think?



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