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In an outback bar...


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A Drover walks into a bar with









A pet crocodile by his side.















He puts the crocodile up on the bar.









He turns to the astonished patrons.









'I'll make you a deal. I'll open this crocodile's mouth and place my manhood inside.









Then the croc will close his









Mouth for one minute.















'Then he'll open his mouth









And I'll remove my unit unscathed.









In return for witnessing this


















Each of you will buy me a drink.'















The crowd murmured their approval.









The man stood up on the bar,









Dropped his trousers,









And placed his Credentials and related parts in the crocodile's open mouth.









The croc closed his mouth









As the crowd gasped.









After a minute,









The man grabbed a beer









Bottle and smacked the









Crocodile really,really hard on the top of









Its head


















The croc opened his mouth









And the man removed his genitals unscathed as promised.









The crowd cheered,









And the first of his free









Drinks were delivered.









The man stood up again and made another offer. 'I'll pay anyone $100 who's willing to give it a try.'









A hush fell over the crowd. After a while, a hand went up in the back of the bar.















A blonde woman timidly









Spoke up..........









'I'll try it -









Just don't hit me so hard







With the beer bottle!'



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Just as well the local butcher didn't put his hand up.


Saw a game show and the host make some sexual joke to the good looking female contestant. Her face lit up and said yes. He spent the next half minute in front cameras and audience explaining it was only a joke. No more jokes like that from him.



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