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What is coming


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As many of you know there is a large site update in the wind and has been worked on for a while now but there is still a lot to go.


There is a new Aircraft Showcase Section, the software has been purchased and contains these elements:




There is a new Invite Friends feature where you can use your connections to Google+1, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo and even links to your email system so you can invite friends etc to join in here:




There will be a rearrangement of the forums with a couple new ones added like one for Instructors. Instructors will be able to set a user option in their settings which flags a request to me to, upon proof of Instructor rating, adds them to a new Instructors User Group.


There are other new Options that users will have in their settings...some required and some optional:


Real Name and Phone Number - required but kept confidential to site admin only...anti spam attack


RAAus/HGFA/etc member - optional




The Blog Software that we use has been updated to bring it in line with normal blogging sites


The Smilies have been returned to the current site as a new smilie management system has been added to the update that provides for the categorising of smilies...I am even hoping that when the update goes live that some software that is being developed and will be ready, at a cost, that will allow you to have your own smilie library where you can add your own smilies and use them in your posts.


A more advanced Bookmark system than what is currently being used for you to bookmark posts etc that you can make a note of and go back to at any time...this replaces the "Post-It Note" link that is in every post


A completely new mobile design that is "responsive"


You can select to tweet or post to Facebook any of your Status Updates


A games arcade for fun as well as some other fun things like a fun sportsbook on football games etc (FOR FUN)...and some other surprises (perhaps an egg/paint thrower, with windex to clean, on user's avatars???)




Some enhanced anti-spam functions like a timer on site registration (stops bots etc)


A conversion of the interesting News Section items into a Content Management System (CMS)


and much much much more...


Along with this is a lot of other "infrastructure" work going on...for example I have had to get my domains moved over to a new registrar (almost completed), the server is going to have to be rebuilt (within the next week or so), the database being changed most likely into a completely new backend (not mySQL any more), a new enhancement to the security system (currently being tested), current data streamlined (currently being done...notice the drop of total threads on the site), clean up of old users caused by incorrect email addresses (next week) etc etc etc


So there IS a lot going on and being worked on...it WILL be worth the wait









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