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first Area Solo!

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Well this is a month for firsts, doesn't seem long ago I posted about my first solo and today I did my first Area Solo! First did an hour of circuits just to warm up since it had been a couple weeks, then after a break, I finally cut the cord and called a crosswind departure into the training area for another glorious hour of toodling around between Kembla and Kiama (from YWOL).


A couple of things I noticed after all this time in the circuits, it is bloody hard to hold straight and level for a long time!! In the circuit, I guess you only have to hold it for 2-3 minutes, but boy can it wander when you are just buzzing around!


Also - after 1.5 years of mostly right-hand circuits, my left turns need some work! Skid ball was all the way to the right, I guess I was carrying too much tension when giving it left rudder into the turn since I hadn't had to think about those for over a year!


Anyway, a good solid morning of challenging myself and lots to think about between now and next weekend! Only a couple hours left solo for the required 5, exciting stuff! In fact will have to do a dual first come to think of it...


How was everyone else's day??







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I had a great day, 0.8hrs circuits. I Also fly out of YWOL. I've been flying the J170. After today I have 4.8hrs Total. Bit Bumpy today and a bit of cross wind but lots of fun. I will see you down there if I havent already (I never remember Names)



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Well you're doing yourself a favour starting at YWOL. I am doing my training out of Bankstown where we don't get all that wind and bumps, and I can tell you it was an eye opener when I started at YWOL for my solos. By the time you do yours, you won't even notice them :-)


Plus, the view from the training area is nice..





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Mmmmmmm ... Tuning the mgb, changing the fuel filter and fixing some tyre rub, so it will make it to the airfield next time I'm going flying!

I remember so fondly all the time i spent tuning my MGB and later the MGA... I think I had a monthly ritual of setting the valve clearances and the carb (syncing them in the case of the twin-carb mga) and gapping plugs, points etc.... Thanks for the reminder Phil, great times :)



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Adam, thought I would share my effort with you from Sunday to try and encourage you to come visit. The aircraft in question was closer than it looks, but this was the best I could do with the iPhone.


If the weather holds this Autumn, I am planning to make the trip down Victor 1 to Wollongong.




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wow shu.... that had to be a Moment! Did you communicate with the other pilot at all? Where is this? Did he keep it right there for long, or rocket out of site?


Cool, thanks for sharing! Let me know if/when you do - I'll try to get out there and we can grab a coffee at the cafe!



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Yeah, They operate joyflights up there, we see him quite a bit. You get them and the Tigermoth in the circuit at the same time which is a very interesting sight. We had a brief chat as we were both heading into the field and he asked if he could slot in ahead of me. In this situation he probably has a 100kts on me, so he was down and off the runway before I started turning final.



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Oddly enough, I think I'd rather have a go in the Tigermoth than the jet. I am sure it is cool, but I sure love just hanging up there slowly watching it all beneath me. don't think I'd have time to snap the piccies at 200+ kts! I had a look at the Pitts biplane in a nearby hangar when i was resting between flights on Saturday.... now that thing just looks like it is going 100 just sitting there...



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Well this is a month for firsts, doesn't seem long ago I posted about my first solo and today I did my first Area Solo! First did an hour of circuits just to warm up since it had been a couple weeks, then after a break, I finally cut the cord and called a crosswind departure into the training area for another glorious hour of toodling around between Kembla and Kiama (from YWOL).A couple of things I noticed after all this time in the circuits, it is bloody hard to hold straight and level for a long time!! In the circuit, I guess you only have to hold it for 2-3 minutes, but boy can it wander when you are just buzzing around!


Also - after 1.5 years of mostly right-hand circuits, my left turns need some work! Skid ball was all the way to the right, I guess I was carrying too much tension when giving it left rudder into the turn since I hadn't had to think about those for over a year!


Anyway, a good solid morning of challenging myself and lots to think about between now and next weekend! Only a couple hours left solo for the required 5, exciting stuff! In fact will have to do a dual first come to think of it...


How was everyone else's day??





Well done dude!!


Bet you were loving life just cruising about doing your thannggg!


Keep up the good work, you will have your cert in no time at all





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thanks mate! Yeah, it was a much-needed reminder of why I got into this in the first place! Yes, the goal is in sight (as long as the posts don't keep moving)!


I know there is a 25 nm limit from the aerodrome until i get my XC, but at least from YWOL there is some pretty amazing stuff to see in that range, I imagine that will keep me happy while I am slogging away toward the navs... already passed the exam, just need to get the flights done...



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Oddly enough, I think I'd rather have a go in the Tigermoth than the jet. I am sure it is cool, but I sure love just hanging up there slowly watching it all beneath me. don't think I'd have time to snap the piccies at 200+ kts! I had a look at the Pitts biplane in a nearby hangar when i was resting between flights on Saturday.... now that thing just looks like it is going 100 just sitting there...

I did the tiger and the pitts last year. The tiger was awesome http://www.huntervalleyjoyflights.com.au/ highly recommend it. The Pitts was also great, an aerobatic flight, really a very different plane. The Tiger was somewhat similar to an RA experience so I recommend the Pitts although you want to do them both in my opinion



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Guest Bigfella

Well done Ayavner!!


I'm in a similar position, it's amazing being able to get away from the field, wait till the let us go anywhere we want!







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its really cool bigfella, camo, etc.. all us newer pilots that have been on the forum for awhile talking about the lessons, asking about first solos and area solos... and finally we're the ones doing it! Feels like we're back in school, close to graduation! and before long, there will be another bunch of people coming along that will be alllmost there, and asking the same questions we did - hopefully we'll be able to share our experiences and encouragement as much as so many people did for us!



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its really cool bigfella, camo, etc.. all us newer pilots that have been on the forum for awhile talking about the lessons, asking about first solos and area solos... and finally we're the ones doing it! Feels like we're back in school, close to graduation! and before long, there will be another bunch of people coming along that will be alllmost there, and asking the same questions we did - hopefully we'll be able to share our experiences and encouragement as much as so many people did for us!

Know the feeling bro!


12 months ago I would have never dreamed I would be flying an aircraft on my own and thought the end goal was unachievable / un-affordable! I think there would be alot more people flying if they knew this path is both achieveable / affordable! On another note, I'm off to the Training area tomorrow for an orientation out there with my instructor! Maybe MY area solo might not be too far off!


Keep up the posts ayavner, love hearing how its going.





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