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RAAus Registration Update 10/05/13


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Three and a half months to get a 95.10 re-registered.


I knew what the story was so did the photograph of everything thing including two placards already in the aircraft saying that the aircraft will kill you if you fly it. Weight and balance plus an updated spec sheet.


First call from RAA was that I needed to supply the photo's....hmm, so I asked if they would mind checking the file to which I was told that they had them and all was ok. Weeks passed and the second call I received was to say that I needed to put a placard on the panel saying that if anyone flys the aircraft they will die to which I politely replied that there already two installed and they were both photographed.


Weeks later another call to say that I needed to supply a full set of time stamped photos... what?? I was then told that the file on this aircraft was very big! I'm not surprised says I and Australia Post just about lays out a red carpet for me because of all the info I have posted and emailed.


More weeks go by and then another call to say that the form for transfer of ownership is out of date and could I please use the appropriate form in future...... In future...... I'll be bloody dead before this thing is registered says I and you can bury me in the paperwork! They didn't budge on that one so of I go tracking down the previous owner in some backwater around Australia caravan park and send it in.


More weeks pass waiting, waiting waiting. I get pissed off and contact the Tech Manager who by the way seems to be a decent bloke and did a bunch to sort this out. Another phone call and it seems that the tranfer fee had not been paid so fixed that immediately but still no rego.


Another phone call to say that ........ I was not interested by this time and I was always very polite to the office staff but I had to explain that if someone down there could possibly look at the file then they would see that everything was in order and everything was paid and it was all done on the latest and environmentally friendly forms so please just register the flamin thing..... please.


More weeks pass and the owner rang me last week to say that he had a rego cert in the mail. It took me less than two hours to register a new trailer so even when you go out of your way to help these people it is still a nightmare - Basil Fawlty could do better



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