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More enhancements to the site


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As you may have noticed the site update has been going slowly so you can get use to new features as they get implemented. The latest being the 1 To 1 Instant Chat Bar that stays across the bottom of your screen so you can initiate instant 1 to 1 chats with any other user that is currently on the site plus when an Aircraft Distributor is online you can have instant chats, exchange files etc...bringing everyone, users and aircraft representatives together much more.


Over the next few months there are some more great enhancements coming:


1. Post Edit History and Logging


An indicator is displayed on posts that have been edited. It is a link that can be clicked to display all the different edits (variations) of a post from what was originally entered as the post to what is currently displayed. The Post Edit History actually keeps all previous versions of a message rather than just an indication that it was edited. This can be used for many things, like handling the "rage-delete" situation, where a user edits all of their content, potentially destroying the flow of many threads or after posting, removing the post content and leaving just a full stop etc. This will prove once and for all whether posts are edited or not and by who...the edit history with its "compare versions" function will look like this when the "History" link is clicked:




2. New Photo Gallery


Currently the Photo Gallery uses Albums by users instead of having each image as a stand alone entry in the Photo Gallery. The new software for the Photo Gallery will remove the Album component and display each image in its own right...and it looks like:




3. New Post/Thread Editor


I have mentioned this before but for those that missed it, there will be a new box and toolbar displayed when creating/editing your threads and posts. The great thing about this is not only does it allow for drag and drop images as post attachments but it works, with all smilies and formatting functions on iPads and mobile devices...it looks like:




4. "Responsive" Theme


Currently we use a different theme that automatically detects if you are using a mobile device (non iPad) and if so, displays a cut down version of the site making it display quicker and lighter for you. Soon the site will use what is called a "Responsive" theme on mobile devices which means that what you will see on your mobile phones will still be fast and light but closer to what the PC version of the site displays and the "Responsive" term comes from the different way you use a web site on a mobile device as opposed to using a Mouse on a PC. You will find it much easier to use with it being a closer match to the PC version of the site.


5. Personal Conversations


Enhancements to the Personal Conversations (PC's or PM's) function of the site are also coming. Conversations will have their own sub menu, which allows us to give a few additional navigation links to specific functions like conversations can be starred. Starring works like you're probably used to in emails; it's mostly to allow filtering. You can also bulk manage your conversations (over multiple pages) using an inline moderation-style check box. You can star/unstar conversations, mark conversations as read/unread, or leave conversations with this. Finally, all participants are listed on the conversation list. They are also listed on the conversation popup.


6. Aviation Industry Supplier's and Services


I have mentioned this before (see: http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/new-business-directory.63254/) and it is like a Yellow Pages Business Directory. Hopefully it can get used to look up supplier's and services for anything you need in aviation...it will look similar to this (the screen shots show aircraft but replace that with supplier details):




I will stop there but there is still a lot more exciting things coming to Recreational Flying but the intent of this is to keep you informed about what is happening on your favourite recreational aviation resource web site...hope you like what the future is bringing and don't forget to always comment on anything that is posted in the Site Announcements Forum as it is your comments that help to make the site even better...oh, also don't forget to make use of the new 1 To 1 Instant Chat feature of the site and get more involved in the Recreational Flying Community...thanks













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