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If this is legal i want one


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Well the wing is registered as 32-5194 so its apparently an RA-Aus weight shift. You have to wonder how its been over 4000 metres? Perhaps theres a transponder in there and was previously a GA aircraft?



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Guest Maj Millard

I'll hazard a guess that by the way that boy pronounces certain words , that he is not a native of Queensland !..........and I feel that it would require at least a 'floating Hull' endorsement. The 'ales' of course would be for bribing other water users for equal access, or for relaxing after flying is done on some beach somewhere....the flying low over the water would be during a landing or takeoff no doubt......Maj...



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Guest Maj Millard
Might get wet if he goes near "Dunk" Island. Nev

The main 'wetness' encountered at Dunk is at the poolside bar !!...



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Is it legal in Australia to do what this guy is doing?

Watched it today on one of the morning shows up here! He was asked, "Is it legal?"... " Of course it`s legal!" was his reply.


Could see myself quite easily out on the reef when i get back home! Quick trip to Low or the like

True story! A guy at Tully heads had a Drifter on floats. He was a keen fisherman and decided to fly to the reef, out from Tully Heads. He had no problem getting out there but when he was ready to return a thick haze had set in and he couldn`t see the mainland. He became confused and had to land beside a prawn trawler and ask for direction. Amazingly! he did make it back safely.




Ps, There`s a couple of lessons there!



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