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"on A Wing And A Prayer"

Guest ozzie

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Arnold is Steve's younger brother. There was only one premier showing at Qantas house and one or two TV showings and then it disappeared. I assume that Steve had something to do with this, but Steve would never speak about Thrusters since then. A few months ago I asked Arnold to try and sort it all out and get it on DVD, Surprise surprise. It has happened. DB caused many problems at that time not only with Steve and the Thruster but also with the other business that we were all involved in at the time. A lot of people lost big time.


I was almost selected to fly the third Thuster but they decided to give it to the other guy, i can't remember his name but he had a real fancy camera that they needed, so he got the slot. Boy was i peeved when he destroyed it on the first flight. I remained in Sydney and cordinated all the spare parts for them and belive me there were plenty of parts sent. Once they got past Cairns the Jetranger was rferrying fuel and picking up the parts to get them to where they were stuck. It must have cost a fortune. When i saw the film i was sorta glad i did not do the trip. There was a lot of luck involved. But it really was one of those once in a lifetime adventures for everyone involved. I hope Steve is getting a cut of the DVD he deserves it.





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Steve certainly got the raw end of the pineapple on that one; I remember Frank Bailey alleging that they stole his designs in the Thruster. It was an almost taboo subject with Frank back then as well Steve. By then Frank had gone off with Lee Wakelin and designed the Mustang, Javelin and the Jeep which really amounted to bugger all as the guys may have been good and building and flying, but lacked sales and marketing expertise. I remember the insane amount of money that Westpac (I think ) put up to fund the first certification program on the Thruster. It was an outrageous amount and the Winton boys got their 95-10 Saphire certified for a fraction of the cost from memory. Speaking of that i will have to touch base with Dean and see how he is going with the Facet Opel. Now that will be something to see flying wont it.



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The Thruster actually was certified 3 TIMES. As there were really no standards for an ultralight design back then, each time it came up to what Newton and the Department wanted they moved the goal posts.


As good as Frank was, there is very little left in his original design of the Thruster in the end. It just looks similar. Structually Frank's design fell short.


I came up with the 'Racking Wing' and the first Flapperon design.The racking wing stayed but the flapperon did not. Brian Fimmell worked out the final tooling, drawings and production line problems and material quality along with Tony?, the bearded one. Belton just got in the way. The real credit goes to everyone who worked on the floor. No one else. The two seater is very different to the single seat that Steve and Frank built originally.


Lee ended up taking my job and had the same ethics as Belton. Brian did whatever it took to stay employed and became one of the directors. Everyone who invested lost everything including the shonky accountant.


After Belton tripped up and his UK partner did what Belton did to Steve, he went underground for a long time. Thruster was not his only business problem. Where is he these days? He apparently is a fianacial adviser in QLD. His sales blurb states he runs this business on integrity and honesty. I would not be surprised if i saw him become a politician. He certaintly has the skills and background for that.



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I recieved my copy today and just finished watching it. Still just as gobsmacked as i was when i first saw it almost 30 years ago. Amazing effort to complete the trip. But as Arnold's Mum said 'It would not be an adventure if it was easy'.



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