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Untold Stories of the RAAF Caribou

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Hear the untold stories of the crews that flew with the RAAF Caribou from 1964 to 2009, from being hijacked at gunpoint to stopping villagers trying to load an elephant onto their plane and being shot at, blown up and pushed beyond their limits.


3:30pm Sunday on 7mate



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A mate of mine who was a flight eng on the SQN tells a story of the sqn's Officer commanding and commanding officer out in a requal flight just after Christmas leave where they were conducting low level navigation when they banked hard over the top of a ridge and felt a hard thump, on return to base it was discovered that they had major damage to the left wing and the subsequent investigation revealed that they had sheered a foot round tree off mid way ( top of the ridge) with the left wing.



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Another one:- an instructor I once had used to fly the boo in Vietnam, he had an engine out and had to land in a rice field, as they were skidding through the field they noticed a local standing directly in the path of the plane, unable to to anything they just held on waiting for it to stop. The local passed directly through the still running propeller without a scratch. Later on they figured out that there would have been a prop blade less than a foot either side of the local.



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