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Coming out...

Guest sceadu52jr

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Guest sceadu52jr

...of lurking..that is!


Hello All,


I have already posted some messages in the Drifter forum but I thought I should properly introduce myself here.


I have just recently returned to piloting an aircraft (from within...or on as in the case of the Drifter) and I am throughly enjoying it.


I have been an active R/C modeller for 35 years and took my first GA lesson at Redcliffe QLD in 1975 in their C150. From there I went on to gain my unretricted GA licence and endorsments on and fly C172, C172RG, C182, C210, PA28 Warrior & Archer, A35, A36, Decathalon and a Pitts S2. In the Late 80's I learnt to fly Sailplanes at the Darling Downs Soaring Club.....In 1992 I got married, we got involved with showing dogs for about 10 years and I did no flying except for the models. A fellow model club member who was flying at Boonah had me thinking about getting back into it.


My favourite GA aircraft was the Decathalon for sure, but I think I have found a new favourite in the Drifter.


I look forward to the days in the future when I may meet forum members at a flyin or airfield somewhere.




Wayne Langley



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Welcome to the forum. Was that C150 RZK which I believe went from Gladstone to Redcliff in the early 70's. If so from memory it was very prone to carby ice, if there was a cloud in the sky, pull on carby heat.



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Guest sceadu52jr

Ian...Checking my Log book tells me it wa RXH that a did a fair bit of early training in (a Blue & White '66 model). This was in 1976. I remember the rudder cables used to slap the inside the tail cone while taxiing down the gravel taxi way to 07. Other C150 I flew at Redciffe were EKN, IRA, TCO, KVZ, USD (aerobat Up Side Down).





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