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Rec Flying Email Address


Do you want a Rec Flying Email Address  

50 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want a Rec Flying Email Address

    • No I don't want one
    • Yes I want one and avail to everyone
    • Yes I want one and avail to 1+ post members
    • Yes I want one and avail to 10+ post members
    • Yes I want one and avail to 50+ post members

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Hi All


Here is a poll to see if you would like your own Recreational Flying email address. Having your own rec flying email address tells other people that you send an email to that not only are you a member of the Recreational Flying community but also you are a "trusted" member by those that know about Recreational Flying - by trusted I mean that your identity has been ascertained by myself as Admin and only by myself through your forum registration details as you do actually exist and not some pseudo named forum user.


The address you will have will be your [email protected]


So if there is a desire to have one then please vote in the poll.



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Guest TOSGcentral



I think this is both a good idea and another dimension of the site.


There apparently have been problems in the past by rejecting site applicants due to "freeby" email addys that are spammed something fierce, or may be spam themselves. But perhaps some personal vetting in that situation coupled with this email link could solve a few problems for a a lot of folk.


Your site security is excellent and although the PM system works well enough, an email would allow longer texts and also most importantly attachments.


I am all for it.







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Tony (and others) - I had thought that an indicator of whether it was worth doing was a 40% yes out of a 75 votes in the poll. It was slightly below 40% at the time I hit a snag in the coding so I shelved it for a while and went on to developing the form for the standardised listing of an item for sale in the "Anything Aviation For Sale" forum. A couple of days work has gone into it so far and I am hitting a problem with the mail server when sending an email, receiving is working great. I will have a look further into the emailing facility over the next couple of days to resolve the issue and monitor the poll result.


As I was developing the for sale form I suddenly thought what about an ebay type of auction system where a member could not only just list an item for sale that has a "Buy Now" option but could also auction an item off with a reserve price.


Anyway here are some screen shots of the work done over the last 3 days in the test version of the forums that I have.


What the email system will look like in your "My Settings" - not completed with graphics yet




The Inbox




Reading an email




The options that are available




Composing a new email




Darn that error that I am getting on sending 068_angry.gif.cc43c1d4bb0cee77bfbafb87fd434239.gif




The form to start a new thread in the Anything Aviation For Sale forum




Oh, Tony - I will answer your PM soon - just need to think of the best way to do it

















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