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Farewell Aussie Friends

Guest Darren Masters

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Guest Darren Masters

Well the big day for me is tomorrow with the move to Auckland to start my cabin crew role in NZ with Jetstar. It has been a long process and hasn't time flown...They say it does when you are having fun! I will be flying Auckland-Sydney and Auckland-Gold Coast and domestic NZ at this stage. I have 5wks training at the Air New Zealand facility at Auckland Aiport starting next Monday and then return to Australia for 1 week line training (in the air) after which time I will return to Auckland NZ. To all those that I have made friends with on and off the board, goodbye. You all know you always have somewhere to stay when you come to NZ. I'll take many happy memories away from Australia. I guess in many ways it will always be home and a part of me will always be here. I will be religiously contributing to the NZ thread and spotting areas though and on my days off I will probably be plane spotting in Auckland! I also aim to have the Auckland Live ATC feed running as soon as time permits. I have a very full-on few months ahead though. So, for all of you flying across the ditch, if you do it with Jetstar be sure to say hello! Keep intouch everyone and see you over there or at our lovely home here at TAA



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Guest OzChris

Darren, all the very best mate!


You will have a ball with the training...it is challenging but so rewarding! I did it with 2 airlines and loved it both times immensely and Im sure you will too.


Hope you settle in well in NZ - certainly a beautiful place to live!


Take care my friend...



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Guest Darren Masters

Aaaw, thanks guys :redface: I'll miss you all. NZOM, what are you up to tomorrow and the few days after? I won't be doing much but moving in...Spotty maybe?



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Guest Chainsaw

All the best Daz. I'm humbled to have been a part of your journey.


Now Dazza on a more serious note, get that SBS unit going too. That would be fantastic as you know.


AND, I'll be watching SIA281 for ya ;)



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Guest David C

Darren ... All the very best my friend . It's been a long and sometimes difficult road , but you have achieved an ambition that only a few will have the opportunity to grasp . I'm sure you will enjoy your new life in NZ and that you will look back in perhaps a few months time and say " what a great move that was " .. I know it is difficult to take on a new job , let alone move to another country , as we did too , but you will be a stronger person for it ..You know where we are , and know our contact numbers . Please ring us and let us know how you are doing ( remember the time difference though )... Best wishes ..


Dave and Marilyn C



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on a serious note, I have only known you for a short time through phone calls and emails, and you are one of the greatest people I have met.


I wish you all the very best, I am honored toknow you and hope we can catch up soon. The Australian girls have lost a great bloke :).


I have put this together for you :) This is from deep deep down.


Darren Masters a man of many talents,


A respected pilot, aviator and now flight attendent


You have done various jobs, but we all know flying was in your heart


You have touched the lives of many many people


You are one of Australia's few remaining gentleman




and you will be missed by all of us here,


new zealand has gained a great bloke,


Australia Is in tears tonight as you prepare to board the jetstar aircraft


Jetstar has now gained a true aussie bloke to crew there aircraft


Darren, on behalf of us all mate, happy flying and please keep safe








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Guest 757GB

Hi Darren, I haven't had the pleasure of knowing you more but you sure come across as a great person. I’m looking forward to your future posts in TAA. Good thing about my post is that since I couldn’t be farther away, I don’t have to say goodbye


Seriously now, the best of luck on your move and your new endeavor.:thumbup:







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Guest Darren Masters

Thanks guys. It kind of makes me not want to go (but I will anyway). See, flying is in my heart. Always has been. I figure if I call it a job it's a great one I have landed! Robbo, your lines were very touching mate. Amazing how many mates we can make here at this great place even if it is 'virtually'. Ofcourse there are those of us that have been friends in the 'real world' for a long time. I'll miss you all equally. I can't stress enough when I say drop me a line if visiting NZ. I'll look after you all. We all have one common love after all at the end of the day. I believe Glenn will be flying with me on his first jet aircraft trip. Should be a blast! Again, thanks all so much for the friendships and kind words. Dave C is right, the last year was not the best but thank goodness things start to look brighter given time. I'll pleasure you all with a trip report when I arrive tomorrow (yes I know my SE Asia one is still waiting to be done too). Clear skies all


PS Now I have a serious case of insomnia!



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Guest Darren Masters

Hey guys. Thanks again for your well wishes. Here safe and just trying to sort out all that needs to be sorted. What a nightmare!!!!



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