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Wings Over Illawarra-VHF Handheld

Guest Fred Bear

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Guest Fred Bear

Hello all, just wondering if any of you guys know what the go is next Saturday at Wings Over Illawarra in regards to an ASIC? Supposedly all aircraft are welcome and there will be public about anyway. Sunny and I were thinking of flying down in the Drifter and giving something 'real' for the people to look at. Need to know the situation in regards to the ASIC as Sunny does not have one and I had to hand mine back to Sydney Airports Corp upon finishing work at the airport. Would appreciate any info (that is concise and known) as we don't want to end up in jail. I am sure Sunnys work mates would look after us there but not really worth the risk. Also, was wondering if any of you Oaks guys have a spare VHF transceiver that I can use from the back seat of the Drifter to make calls. Naturally, it would be returned in the same condition as borrowed.



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My vampire was almost ready to fly for the next weekend, though sadly, i had taken the firewall in to work to be treated, and my supervisor mistakenly threw it out! GRRRR not happy! now i have to either buy a new one, or make one in a very short space of time.... so it looks like i wont make it with my vampire, which is a shame, as the factory is there, and Ken wanted to display mine as testimate to their longevity. :(036_faint.gif.544c913aae3989c0f13fd9d3b82e4e2c.gif



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Guest Fred Bear

Bummer. Looks like we have a VHF hand-held so need not worry about that. Just need to know the go in regards to the ASIC.



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Guest David C

Darren ,


I spoke to Just Fred today , he is going to volunteer his services at the flyin . His interpretation is that all visiting pilots and pax will be issued with a wristband that will serve as a pass for the day and hence access to all areas . He has an ASIC and has offered to escort me around . He suggests ringing Phil Ayrton who is the organiser to discuss the matter . Phil can be contacted on 0417 210 731... Hope this helps mate .


Dave C



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Guest Fred Bear

Guys, both a big help. Thanks so much for that. I will contact aswell but if any dramas Ross and Fred will be there so should not be a big problem.



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