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Lucky Escape After Window Falls From Plane


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Guest avi8tr

Ahhh the life, flying your private pressurised turbine Lancair from Perth to Tasmania to catch a flight to New Zealand to go snowboarding!



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Guest Michael Coates

All of our Perth brothers work in the mines, they all get weekly what the rest of us get yearly in wages, at best they work two weeks on and two weeks off... and they will probably get royalty payments from the government for all of the carbon tax payments we are meant to be making.


Rumour has it this was just his toy aeroplane because the citation was in for service. The joys of living in Western Australia.....



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All of our Perth brothers work in the mines, they all get weekly what the rest of us get yearly in wages, at best they work two weeks on and two weeks off... and they will probably get royalty payments from the government for all of the carbon tax payments we are meant to be making.Rumour has it this was just his toy aeroplane because the citation was in for service. The joys of living in Western Australia.....

I did 23 + years of 2 on/2 off (helping find the hydrocarbons all of us use each day) - and within that period I did about 2 years of 2 on/1 off. It's not all beer & skittles I can assure you: there was a fair bit of marital strife and for the young single blokes it was hard to retain relationships as the girlfriend needed to be very comitted to the bloke if he was away for 2 out of three.


I'd question the "...weekly what the rest of us get yearly in wages..." bit though: the money I made was good, but nowhere near that good! (crikey, wish it had been!)



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I did 23 + years of 2 on/2 off (helping find the hydrocarbons all of us use each day) - and within that period I did about 2 years of 2 on/1 off. It's not all beer & skittles I can assure you: there was a fair bit of marital strife and for the young single blokes it was hard to retain relationships as the girlfriend needed to be very comitted to the bloke if he was away for 2 out of three.I'd question the "...weekly what the rest of us get yearly in wages..." bit though: the money I made was good, but nowhere near that good! (crikey, wish it had been!)

After spending more than half my life in a similar pursuit, I'd back you on that any day, siz. The newspapers love to quote the $100,000+ per year bit, but they forget to mention the 14 hour days, 7 days a week, 4 to 6 weeks & more on the job without a break, the sleep deprivation, flies, sandstorms, 50-60 degree heat in summer etc.


And I almost forgot the bit about when you finally get home and your own dog bites you.


Cheers, Willie.



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It's more like $200 k these days!A cook on an oil rig can earn $160k +

I'll have to learn how to flip eggs. Looks like I've been in the wrong game.


Cheers, Willie.



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Guest Darren Masters
The father and son were on their way from Perth to Tasmania, where they were due to catch a flight to New Zealand for a holiday.

They now plan to continue their trip to New Zealand on a commercial flight.

This makes no sense? Due to fly to Tasmania to catch a flight to NZ. There are no direct flights from TAS to NZ. They now plan to continue their trip to NZ on a commercial flight?? That's what the article said first up. Why did it not read 'they were due to fly their plane from TAS to NZ'? Crap journalism again!



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I work 2 on/2 off.I get 70K (including 10% super).(better than a kick in the head LOL) I am fairly new to the resource sector.Only 6 months and I have a entry level position.After I get trained up.I will probably get around 90K. I work 154 hours in 14 days.


The 2 week on shift is easy for me as I used to be away from home for 15 weeks at a time in Saudi Arabia and home for 3 weeks.Like most, my marriage didnt last.This was back in 1998/ 1999.We got paid $72K tax free which was alot of money back then.Also being a Tornado Crew Chief was a pretty cool Job.:)



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I work 2 on/2 off.I get 70K (including 12% super).(better than a kick in the head LOL) I am fairly new to the resource sector.Only 6 months and I have a entry level position.After I get trained up.I will probably get around 90K. I work 154 hours in 14 days.The 2 week on shift is easy for me as I used to be away from home for 15 weeks at a time in Saudi Arabia and home for 3 weeks.Like most, my marriage didnt last.This was back in 1998/ 1999.We got paid $72K tax free which was alot of money back then.Also being a Tornado Crew Chief was a pretty cool Job.:)

I understand what you're saying there, Dazza. When I first started in the game in the early 80's, our standard hitch was 6 weeks, but 2 or 3 months on and 2 weeks off wasn't uncommon. So 2 on/2 off is like a paid holiday, but only relative to having once done worse rosters. It's a bit like someone hitting you over the head with a big stick 10 times a day; if they suddenly start doing it 2 times a day, you think that's a pretty good deal.


The money is not anything great if you take all factors and hours into account, like the fact that you work 12 hours, but the company owns you for 24. The good part is that the opportunity is there to put reasonable money together fairly quickly. A lot of people with 9 to 5 jobs would probably like to work really long hours and get ahead, but the opportunity just isn't there where they live.


Cheers, Willie.



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7 days? That's what the Bass Strait guys do (or used to do).


Too much flying for my taste, but at least a 1:1 ratio.


I could have coped with 21/21 but was quite happy with 14/14.


Even more happily - it's all now finito. (Thk Gd.)



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