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First flight


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I would just like to say i went for my first flight in a Tecnam P92.at wallan airfield with Secure air flt training. i am changeing over from GA to RAA flying.


the first shock was the take off and how little time it took to get off the ground and climb and stalling was gentle. so i am looking forward to going back to fly this aircraft.


And Sue is a good IP.







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Guest ozzie

The performance on takeoff in nearly all lighties usually causes a few raised eyebrows the first time you fly them. i found the opposite when i jumped from a Thruster into a 150 for the first time. The instructor said no matter how hard i kept pushing the throttle or bounced up and down in the seat it wasn't going to make it any better.





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Tecnam great machine


I started my training in a C152. Then crossed to another club into a Tec. What a buzz. Great little plane and good fun trainer.


It's hard to go back to those 30 Year Old clunkers.





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