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Flying Competition at Goulburn?

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The Southern Highlands Aero Club would like to run a flying competition at Goulburn (we actually have time for this now). We have asked around a little however it seems most of our members have only ever competed in competitions and have no real experience in organising or running them.


We have talked to two of the Instructors at the airport who have all the necessary scoring sheets and are happy to be judges.


We just need some advice on how to organise the event and how to run it. Anyone out there that can provide any advice? Anyone out there who would like to actually lend a hand in organising our first event? We have 4 people from the club who have committed to assisting with the event - just after some guidance I suppose.







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I have been involved in some "on the day" organisation and we ran a few club ones years ago. Depends on when it is would be happy to lend a hand !!


Also, if you want to see one in action the RFACA is having its annual championships in Taree this year - 8-10 May - details, rules, etc are on their website



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Thanks IanR and airsick,


We're planning to start small and simple. Just 3 or 4 events - Teraya will judge 1 or 2 and Austin will judge 1 or 2.


Anyone know anything about insurance matters or who we could talk to?


Just need to have a chat to someone who has run one I suppose - lots of small first-timer questions...



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Guest Decca

Echuca Aero Club run regular comps. "Big Pete" (who has some experience in supervising) would know who you could contact at his club for some very reliable advice.


Regards, Decca.



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  • 1 month later...

Any news on this happening ? A few of us just went in the comps up at Taree and they are all keen to do more of it. I think you would get some flying over from Camden if you made it open to outsiders !!



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