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New to the site, and new to flying!

Guest link128

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Guest link128

Hey, my name is Mike.



Well, I’m really new to flying so much that I haven’t flown yet, but a few months ago after I went skydiving I had a sudden urge to and have become obsessed about it. I’ve been reading quite a bit, and would like to get into it not only for recreation, but hopefully a career!



I’m currently working in IT, I’m 22 years old and after having worked in this sector for 2 years I just can’t see myself doing it the rest of my life. So now I have dreams of one day being a commercial airline pilot. Gotta aim high, right?



So I want to become involved in the community and found this site which seems to have a great community around it. I would love to have a few questions answered too.



Currently I’m working fulltime in a systems administration role for the Qld Government. I know that to achieve my new dream goal, I’d have to definitely drop this and do some part time work to cover costs of learning, so I’m thinking next year I will change what I do.



As of now, I haven’t been for a TIF. I’ve discussed some info with my 18 year old cousin who has his solo license and is working towards the same goal, he lives in Rockhampton. Me being in Brisbane, I was wondering if anyone could give me an idea of what places would be best to learn at around the area. I know there is an airfield at Caboolture, but haven’t really looked into anything yet, thought I’d get some opinions first…



I’ve got the book Flight Simulator X for real world pilots which seems highly regarded by many reviews, so I’m reading through that and learning quite a lot with some help by FSX in the meantime. I’ve had a look through Amazon.com for other flight books, there are quite a few.



So basically I’m wondering what other books I should grab and digest, and where I should be looking to learn in and around the Brisbane area. J






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Guest High Plains Drifter

link128, welcome :thumb_up:


In brisbane for learning to fly books try the Archerfield airport pilots shop.



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hi link128 welcome book on basic aeronautical knowlage is needed there are several witch one your school school uses could vary


go and do a tif and see how well the instructor and you get on he will get you on he right track and work a program that will suit you neil



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Right Direction.


098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif Mike,


Where you start training depends exactly on what you want to achieve.


If you wish to start from a recreational flying school then the best place to start is by contacting,"Recreational Aviation Australia",the "RAA" for short ,they will give you all the information you require and the approved flying schools,hours flown can be used towards a commercial licence.


The email address is, [email protected]


The website is, www.raa.asn.au


I`ve been skydiving also but the buzz didn`t last as long as flying my Drifter.







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