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Jabiru 2200 in trike

Guest Mike CMB

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Guest Mike CMB

Please excuse my ignorance in these matters but why doesnt Airborne or other trike manufacturers use the Jabiru 2200 engine? At 85 hp and the same weight as a 582 I would have thought it to be a good option especialy since its also Australian made.


I could not find a price for the Jabiru 2200 but I'm sure it would be a more cost effective choice than the Rotax 912.


I am keen to get a trike but when I see the cost of a new Airborne Tundra at around $62,000 I start to look for more affordable options.





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G.day Mike,


One of the main reasons they do not use Jab motors on trikes is they are air cooled and they have overheating troubles with the engines being mounted on the rear of trikes, I believe some have tried to duct vents to cool them but have been unsuccessful, also trikes fly at much slower speeds so the combination of a slow forward speed and the engine being hidden at the rear of the trike amounts to no real cooling effect.


I guess if Jabiru ever water cool their engines they would work fine, but I cant ever see that happening.


There are a few trikes getting around with the 2 cyl HKS air oil cooled angines but I don't know to much about them and how they keep them within the temprature limits.







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  • 4 months later...

Major problems trying to get cooling air to flow over the cylinder-head in the region of the exhaust valve...and the result is usually burnt exhaust valves and seats.


The only 4-stroke engine that will work on a trike is the Rotax 912 family because they use liquid cooling for the cylinder-head, and air (oil & fuel) cooling for the remainder. Forget the HKS 700E...it's a 503 replacement, not a 582 replacement. Not enough grunt, and you still have the air-cooled cylinder-head problem.


No-one has invested the dollars to try and make a Subaru EA81 aero conversion work on a trike. Probably a weight problem leading to very limited fuel-capacity. They may work on gyros and the occasional RV, but not on a trike. The engine on a trike is in the absolute worst possible place for cooling airflow. At the back, in thoroughly disturbed and relatively stagnant air with little mass-flow to speak of. The propeller is likewise working in the worst air it can work in...and yet trikes fly magnificently. Go figure.


Jabiru will fuel-inject their engines and give every member of RA-Aus a free, complimentary J160C long before they ever look at liquid-cooling! The Jabiru engine is designed as an air/oil/fuel-cooled aero engine from the ground up. Trying to turn it into a liquid-cooled engine would be like putting lipstick on a pig...it might look great, but it'd still be a pig!



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Guest Crezzi

I know several trike manufacturers who have experimented with jabiru engines but, AFAIK, none made it to production for the reasons already mentioned. One that I saw had so much ugly fibreglass ducting that I can't imagine it appealing to anyone with good enough eyesight to fly it. And I don't think the cooling problems were even solved on that !


There are a few trikes flying successfully with aero conversions of BMW bike engines but they are kits (Eg Huntwing) or experimentals. I doubt any manufacturer would put them into production (& BMW probably wouldn't be too keen about it if they did).


Whilst the 912 undoubtably adds a large chunk to the purchase price of a trike, the tbo and running costs make it more realistic if you plan to keep it for long time and fly enough hours.







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Guest Discusflyer



The HKS is used in trikes without problems i think but in standard form is underpowered the turbo will be interesting to see.I havent seen any reviews yet


another Idea to try would be fan cooling a Jab engine like the rotax 503 or the Hirth F30



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another Idea to try would be fan cooling a Jab engine like the rotax 503 or the Hirth F30

By the time you by a Jab motor, re-design the trike and mount the cooling fan you might aswell go buy a 912 and be done with it. Also it still will be certified!!



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