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Flied Lice


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Feng-Ping, a Chinese immigrant, opened a laundromat in New York City. He worked hard to learn English so he could communicate with his customers, and eventually developed a thriving business.


One day, a Greek restaurant opened across the street from him, and he decided to try it out. Feng-Ping told the waiter "I would rike an order of flied lice." The waiter snickered and walked away, returning shortly with an order of fried rice. It was very good, but Feng-Ping wasn't thrilled with the waiter's behaviour.


A few days later, Feng-Ping went back to the restaurant, and the same waiter took his order "I would rike an order of flied lice." The waiter laughed openly and hollered to the other patrons that this crazy customer wanted 'flied lice'. Again, Feng-Ping wasn't thrilled, but the food was very good, so he put up with the waiter's rudeness.


Months went by, and Feng-Ping became a regular customer, over and over again ordering 'flied lice'. It got to the point where even the customers knew what was coming, and they roared with laughter after they heard 'flied lice'.


Finally, Feng-Ping had enough. He stayed up all night and practiced his order in "proper" English. "I would LLLLike an order of FRRRied RRRRice." He was so excited, and couldn't wait to get to the restaurant the next day.


The morning seemed to drag on forever, but finally, lunch time arrived. Feng-Ping proudly crossed the street and walked in to the restaurant. When everyone saw him come in, they became quiet, in eager anticipation of hearing Feng-Ping place his regular order. The waiter seated him and asked for his order. "I would like an order of Fried Rice... you Gleek Plick!"



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