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Flat Tyre (Not my Weekend)

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Thought I'd post this one as I have not had the best of weekends.


Saturday saw my landings all over the place and my dreams of getting my Cert quickly vanishing.


Did some solo time but brought myself down as I was tired and just not 110%


So today jump in (Solo again) feeling GREAT... Fantastic circuits, textbook landings and having fun.


Then coming in... perfect, nice line up, back off the power, flare, and ahhhhh beautiful...WHAT THA???


Ok so its scary and the plane veers nasty but I kept her on the run way and upright with no damage apart from a wreaked tyre.


Anyone else lived through this one??


Hopefully next weekend goes better than this one 036_faint.gif.544c913aae3989c0f13fd9d3b82e4e2c.gif


Fly safe





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Well it's great to hear you pulled a successful blown tyre landing...! even if it scared the living daylights out of you... I'm sure it's an event you can put in the "Done that" basket...


I'm sure your instructor is proud of you all the same, if you happened to have run off the runway, it could have ended a lot worse!



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Well that makes me feel a little better.


Nothing anyone could have forseen as we had checked the tyres before I got in with the pre-flight checks.


I did ask if that counted towards my license and did I get brownie points...:big_grin:


Have a great week all





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Well I plan to go up again this weekend (weather permitting) so lets hope no more excitement. I just want to get my hours up and get this cert :)


Have a great weekend and safe flying





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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest burbles1

Flat tyres aren't funny


If you think hitting the runway once with a flat tyre is scary, you should do it several times. I did five touch and go solo circuits in a Jab with a flat left tyre, and thought it was a problem with the rudder pedals. I kept doing circuits, as I thought it was something I wasn't doing right and thought "I'm gunna keep going til I get these landings right". Each time, the aircraft veered off to one side quite nastily as the aircraft slowed down, and it took all the right rudder to keep it somewhere on the runway. Wasn't until I did a full stop that I thought it was the tyre.


I'll put that down to experience!



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Guest mike_perth

Well I havnt had a flat myslef though Brett C and I witnessed one from the hangar once was insteresting to watch it and the resulting track it took after said trye blew!!



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Flying Nyngan to Goolwa in the Jab a couple of years ago with stop at Mildura. On landing at Mildura the left main was absoulutely flat and finished on the side of the runway. Turned out I had picked up a three corner jack taxiing at Nyngan -- Qantas ground crew were amazing. they brought out a compressor then helped me walk it back to their hangar and fix the tube using a patch from the kits they use on the antifreeze wing sections. Got me back to Goolwa that day.


Got to say RPT has always been very couteous and helpful for me.



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Guest Walter Buschor

Yep! had one of those!


I had one of those in a Decathlon in about 1984. (VH-MMM) .


Didn't even notice it until I parked it . Before we hopped out someone outside said casually - "did you know you got a flat Tire? . Good thing was I didn't know and consequently wasen't fazed by it. Guess luck can play a part too.


Since then I had 2 more on the Savannah but both where in the Hangar before a flight .


I'd much rather fly forever more without any problems whatsoever and not have anything "exiting" to talk about


safe flying


the grey nomad



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I had a similair experience when doing a flight with a different instructor to my regular (at a different flying school too). The tyres appeared to be fine when I did the preflight, but about halfway through the taxi I started having to use a lot of rudder (i.e full) to keep the plane straight.


I told the instructor who took it for a second and said it was fine. At this point I was already having a couple of personality clash issues with the instructor, so rather than argue about it I took him at his word.


We did a couple of circuits and on each landing the plane would veer sharply to the left and require a lot of rudder to compensate. After about the 4th landing I nearly ran off the runway (sealed) after touching down a bit faster than my previous landings. At this point I got the XXXXs and stopped the plane and said that I was having a lot of trouble keeping it straight on the runway and the Gazelle I normally flew didn't handle anything like this one on the ground. He took it again and then started swearing lots, taxied off the runway and switched the engine off. Yup, flat tyre.


The best thing I got from the lesson - if it isn't right, don't fly it - no matter what anybody else says. Second best thing - find an instructor you trust and can work with.



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