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CASA regulation changes??

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Guest ozzie

Aren't they continual. drag them on to completion then straight into changing them.


perpetual bruockruszy



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Guest check-in

Maybe you are referring to CASA's concern with aging aircraft?


I don't know what the proposals are, but in recent years there have been so many defects found with corrosion, cracks etc in older G.A. airframes that changes to the rules are inevitable if only to cover CASA's bureaucratic butt.


Originally I thought of getting a Luscombe or C140, but my concerns for the future with these old birds sent me search of a 2 year old RA machine for about the same money. Vintage could be fun if you like surprises and restoration work. Me? All I want to do is fly it, give it the occasional wipe over, change the oil and plugs etc when due, and fly it all over again. My idea of a good time on Sundays is a ratio of one hour on maintenance, two hours flying, three hours drinking beer afterwards. I don't think that would ever be the case with a 40 or 50 year old G.A. single unless someone had just totally restored it. Then, with my income, there would be no money left for the beer.



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