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Dynon EFIS problem

Jabiru Phil

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My Dynon 10A shows "Remote compass not detected" after an hour or so in the air.


I have actioned the trouble shooting list including reloading and chased back the wiring to the compass under the seat, checked joins etc.


Apart from the compass, OT readings are haywire and altitude indicator goes mad, all other functions work.


I have turned off and waited a while and sometimes comes back on, sometimes not.


I have spoken to Jab and tried their solutions i.e turn off transponder,radios and checked wiring joins.


A guy told me that should know (A dealer) said that it may not be a Dynon loom.


Next step is to fly to Horsham and get investigated unless anyone has any further suggestions.





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Gidday Phil,


I have this on mine when transmitting sometimes. But have noticed it on a trip being out of action for a while and asked someone and they said a mobile phone in the wrong place can do it.


He was right . I think a pax had his phone in the right pocket or on his seat. The phone thingy was the cause of mine. Test this for yourself. Cannot remember if the unit is under pilot or pax seat but the mobile will affect it.





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Hi Phil,


I had the same issue and it was a mobile phone causing it, my fix was an anti-static bag used to pack computer stuff placed above the compass unit to block/reduce phone signals but still allow air to circulate.





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Many thanks for your replies.


Mobile 'phone seems the logical culprit, I never thought of that.025_blush.gif.9304aaf8465a2b6ab5171f41c5565775.gif


I am going to Caloundra this week-end, about a seven hour trip so should be able to verify if that is the cause.


I will report back.





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  • 2 months later...
Guest Baysidelad



I recently flew back from Bundy in my new J170 with Dynon D100 and also came across this problem. However, I had read the manual prior to flying and remembered it saying about not having a mobile phone switched on whilst using a Dynon D10/D100 etc so I switched it off and, lo and behold, the instrument started to work properly again. So Phil, this must be your answer I guess. Kev:thumb_up:



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Not a good idea to turn off your phone, there have been a few plane crashes where they have been FOUND because their mobiles were on and still looking for a signal



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Guest Baysidelad



I feel that it is more important to have working systems in an aircraft rather than a mobile phone working that I would not be using whilst flying anyway. The other issue is that I have a PLB with GPS which is far easier to activate than trying to use a mobile phone if in trouble. Your thoughts are worthy of consideration anyway 1134581. Kev



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