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RAA student solo in GAAP zone !

Guest wondai aviation

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Guest wondai aviation

I would like to be a CFI with an FTF in one of Queensland's CTA's.


Problem is the student solo component of the ab-initio training.


To fly an RAA registered aircraft in CTA one needs to hold a "VH" licence and an RAA licence.


(refer: www.auf.net.au refusal of CTA approval for RAA)


So theres CAR 308 for a dispensation!


But word is that CASA won't even entertain the notion unless it is in unison with the CASA day VFR syllabus.


Can anyone give any further info on this matter ?



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Guest Qwerty

The local school here simply teaches the PPL VFR syllabus. There is a little bit more in it but its is all worthwhile info and certainly no real burden to learn. As an added bonus, a subsequent upgrade to a full PPL would be a matter of 2 hrs under the hood and a flight test in a GA reg a/c. Seems like a reasonable fix for a potentially difficult problem.


This might mean that if you want to go to CFI you might need to get dual GA and RAAus qualifications. But again.....all usefull, even if it is a bit of a long way round.



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I've been up the Bunya Highway to Wondai, Wondai, had a caravan wheel bearing fail there late one night.


Rather than pose a broad Dorothy Dixer like this, it would be better for you to select a club, then sort out your specific program with the Instructor.



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Guest wondai aviation

Thanks Qwerty


On first glimpse at your reply I thought that you had solved my problem .


CAR 5.75 "para(1) requirements for GFPT = dual controlled aircraft


CAR 5.76 "para(2) 20 hours in a registered or recognised aeroplane


Wonderfull !!! Teach em" in an RAA "jab" and RAA CFI send em" for a GFPT test !


Damm ! , your right , needs to be a "VH" CFI to approve the test application.


Close , very close , but to go through the CASA process of CP/CFI i'd never get it to operate in a GAAP zone especially with this new GAAP runway incursion and clearance proceedure.


I think that i'm back to tinkering with the CAR 308 : CASA approval to operate a RAA student solo in a GAAP zone .


I still question though , why I cannot pick an airfield that is not a CTA and let the students do their solo components there if the insurance component is covered thus leaving just the dual components for the GAAP


Thanks for your reply , i will certainly keep in contact with my progress.



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Guest Qwerty

CASA has shown that it is prepared to allow students to fly in CTA (remember no GAAPs after April next year) under supervision. This includes student solos, at least in the circuit. I don't know about solo to the training area or solo nav-ex. Hell, just ask em. But I am sure that the rest is OK.



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Guest basscheffers

We have the exemption at Parafield for Forsyth Aviation. They teach the same sylabus as their PPL students. Is there really much difference between that and RA-Aus syllabus anyway? I would hope not! Get the ATC Student Pilot kit and follow the lesson plan, isn't it?


Our exemption allows student solos not just in the GAAP, but ANY controlled airspace! This is how all the expemtions are worded. So technically, you could send a student on a solo nav from Parafield to Moorabin, transitting Melbourne's class C.


And it is not just students: "[students] or pilots under the control of the operator for the operation." Pretty vague, but we interpret it that I tell an instructor what I am going to do. We can't see CASA taking issue with that as the RA-Aus guys here have been taught the exact same thing as the PPL students...


Also: any RA-Aus instructors operating under the exemption must also have a PPL. Shouldn't be too hard for anyone wanting to be an RA-Aus instructor. And you need a Class 2 medical.


However, expect a long application process...



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Guest wondai aviation

To both Basscheffers and Qwerty


Thanks Gents.


I have an email back from the RI group coordinator at CASA suggersting preference towards the Day VFR syllabus of training in any exemption application.


And I believe you are right , enough trivial pursuing all the side issues , head down and get it going !


Thanks again for the tips , take care .


Wondai Aviation



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