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Airborn finally!!

Guest Crashbait

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Guest Crashbait

Been a while since I last posted here. In the air at last!! Been a long time coming but worth the wait. Only done 9.5hrs so far in a Tecnam Golf but loving every minute. Long ways to go. Have put things on hold for a little while - just had a new bub. Hopefully will get up again soon.


Can anyone give me a comparison between the Tecnam Golf and Echo? Will be recommencing training on the Echo so any info would be helpful.


Great site for beginners. Keep up the good work!006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif



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Hi liam, i regularly fly both.The main difference IMO is that the flaps are interlinked on the golf with the trim/horizontal stabilizer.So when you move the flaps down, you dont have to hold forward pressure on the stick. In the echo , you have to put forward pressure on the stick as the flaps go down. It is not much of a issue, but you have do be aware of it.Especially if you apply full power with full flap out if you have to go around on landing. she will want to pitch the nose up fairly dramaticaly .You have to keep in check.I dont use full flap when doing touch and goes. Your instructor im sure will demonstrate it for you. General flying between the two is fairly similar in my opinion.I hope this helps you. Cheers



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