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Still a way to go


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Hi Everyone,


I'm very new to flying and still in the process of obtaining my licence through a flying school at the Gympie Airfield. I'm up to circuits but the ongoing dry, hot windy conditions are wreaking havoc on my progress. The winds starts before 6 am and builds quickly into blustery crosswinds. Apart from the weather I am in love with flying and hope to go solo in the not to distant future (weather and skill level permitting).


regards Jim.



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Hi Skydog,


Winds are running through to last light. My instructor is also surprised with these ongoing patterns and said as you mentioned that there should be a window of opportunity in the late afternoon. Unfortunately is just not happening at present. I hope it improves as I have only flown 1.5 hours in the last 3 weeks which makes it difficult to bring it all together as far as circuits are concerned.


Cheers Jim



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Hi Jim


Welcome to the forum 098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif


Having only recently becoming certified 016_ecstatic.gif.156a811a440b493b0c2bea54e43be5cc.gif and going through the same frustrations, I believe it is most important Rec flying lesson No1. patience any "Hughie" seems to be determined that you will learn it his way.



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Guest Crashbait

G'day Willborne,


Had the same trouble at Gympie myself just recently. Was staying in Kenilworth with some rely's waiting for our bub to show up. Ended up being there for a month and only got 9.5 hours in due to the windy weather. Was all set to be able to at least get to solo but no good. Starting up again in the new year. Like you am now addicted!! Good luck with the training and hope the weather improves.


PS: Who is your CFI?



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Hi Liam,


Brett Soutter is the CFI I'm doing my training through. Let me know when you start back in the new year. Hopefully the weather will allow us more opportunities to sting some hours together. How did you go with circuits?


regards Jim W.



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Guest Crashbait

Hey Jim,


Yeah, Brett was mine too. Have organised to start up with another Pro-sky instructor from Maryborough which is a lot closer to home. Brett was top-notch (hope you're reading this big fella!!). Would be finishing down there but too far away unfortunately.


Circuits you ask? Pretty good (I think) except for landings. Had trouble judging at what height to flare. Kept flaring way too high then unconsciously pushing the stick forward and then gaining airspeed and then... crunch!! But after a couple of circuits got the hang of it. I think every new pilot has trouble with landings for a while.


Anyway keep me informed of your progress. Always good to chat with student pilots at the same level.


Regards. Liam.



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LOL, Look after that nose wheel Graham,I only met Brett once, in the RAAF, we followed the same career path for a while, both worked on PIGS,(f111) and both went to saudi arabia to work on tonka's(tornado). He is a top bloke.CHEERS ps- i think he had a YAK 52 for a while. Good to hear he is doing well.



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