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Airvan going offshore?

Guest ozzie

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Looks like the Victorian taxpayers who have been propping up Gippsland Aviation, have been kicked well and truely in the pompadoms with the announcment of it's sale to the Indian company Mahindia. Another good Aussie product and jobs lost overseas.


India's Mahindra Acquires 2 Australian Firms - Defense News


should go well with their three wheeler cars.



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Unless it comes off an animal's back or out of a hole in the ground, Aussie Bureaucrats will never understand it.


Pres Obama praised Rudd's stimulus package for proping up AMERICAN insulation manufacturers. With just a sceric of that cash, a high tech industry could have remained Aussie owned.


Pearls before swine:censored:



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I think you need to have a good look at the aquisition details, at this stage the GA8 manufacture will remain in OZ. The Nomad (which requires Mega Bucks/ Rupee's) to re develop into a 2K plus aircraft.It still operates with Heli derived Allison turbines, plenty of grunt and even more fuel, no glass cockpit , and no real AU market. Probably the ideal horse for the Subcontinent and their neighbours, To reinvent the thing with maybe P&W turbines and a decent glass cockpit will take mega rupe's and the re certification here would take for ever and cost megabucks....... maybe let it go offshore and survive, Or wallow and sink in the beaurocratic TISH that has sunk so many of our own before it.



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Wonder if the airvan will go the way of the Skyfox when it was sold to the Indians...they just wanted to add aviation to their diversified portfolio. Last I saw of the Skyfox factory was when it was containerised to go overseas. Mind you the airvan's agricultural design suits low technology production in "third world" countries so could be well placed to be a success there.



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Guest Maj Millard

Add to the list the Storch and the Brolga prop.


Some of the mods that I have seen required by CASA on Australian produced aircraft are beyond belief, and some border on the absolutly unsafe ! As a quick example on the Airvan, the two fuel filter bowls under the passenger seat, in a sealed little compartment with electrical wires running through it !. The wiring is below the fuel set up, not above as in the FAA requirement. The dual cap/sealing set up takes considerable skill to seal correctly. You just know someone in the future will not do it right ,and it will leak with dire consiquences. I hope I'm not the one sitting in the co-pilot seat at the time !! How CASA ever certified that is beyond me !.



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HI the reason they have taken foriegn investment is that our state a federal government would not prop them up or give them support wouldnt even buy an airvan for fire spotting and hopefully manafacturing wont go offshore but probably will



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If the Victorian government is going fund an Indian Company after they bought our Aussie made product, then what is the point of selling it off shore? The Victorian government may as well fund the local manufacturer! I just do not get it.


Further, remember the super IT corridor which an Indian company were to invest substantial amounts of money, but before they started to invest internally, the Victorian government had injected a substantial amount of money. But the company has since pulled out and we the tax payers are still out of pocket. Why because our dear Victorian government is still paying Indian companies to buy our products.



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