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Cherokee down near Bowral


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10 News reported a "Piper Cub" landed in a vineyard near Bowral this afternoon. Footage showed a Cherokee, fair amount of damage to wings and undercarriage ripped off, fuselage looked fairly straight, hope all ok.



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ABC News - Piper crash


Hi folks,


The ABC reported Light plane makes emergency landing - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) which in short is - Single engine Piper took off from Mittagong airport 11am, clipped trees, landed on Bong Bong Road, ended up in vineyard, 4 POB, minor injuries.


If you look at the Google map Mittagong airstrip is roughly south east of town, Bong Bong Rd is not far off the end, the sat photos show thick vegetation between airstrip & BB Rd. Sounds like the aircraft failed to gain height for some reason.


Not sure if ATSB will investigate - not listed on their site yet.





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Guest rocketdriver
28 degrees, airfield with high airfield elevation (1840') and a fully loaded Cherokee which aren't known for their climb performance...always going to be a challenge.

For your interest, a Cherokee 140 with 4 normal people in it and fuel to a bit above the tabs (I know, but I was young and stupid) struggles to achieve 100 ft per minute climb! With the stall warning blinking occasionally too!!!! And that was in about the same temperature, but at sea level ( in Massachusetts actually) ....



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