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New chum to flying

Ted Walters

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Hi All,


Just new to this. I am wanting to learn to fly but unsure of how what where when . Been thinking of a cessna or whatever ad getting a licence for it then maybe trying ultralights. Is that a viable option. Or start with an ultralight then go to cessna/ piper etc.


Regards ted



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Hi Ted and welcome! You'll find lots of people here to help you out with advice.


Many people today start learning in "ultralights" - particularly planes like the Jabiru - because it's much cheaper and the hours will count if you later want to go for your PPL (so you can fly antique aircraft like the Cessna's and Piper's :stirring pot:).


At our school, it's pretty much standard to go that way, then move across to the Warriors once you can handle the Jabiru (my instructor says if you can land a Jabiru you can land anything, but I think he's just trying to be kind to me 'coz I'm a slow learner!).


Going the other way would be lots more expensive, and who knows you might enjoy the smaller planes so much you won't need your PPL!



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Hi Ted,


Will probably work out cheaper (and you get your licence sooner) to go with ultralights - the RA Aus pilot certificate. The General Aviation (GA) planes - Piper, Cessna etc are dearer to run and you can use your RA-Aus licence and the experience there to get the GA / Private Pilots Licence (ppl) cheaper - using less hours on the expensive planes.


It all comes down to where you want to end up. If a career pilot flying charters or airlines, then the ppl is a must, if just for private transport / fun then the RA-Aus licence will probably suit best. There are limits on RA-Aus - no night flying, smaller, lighter aircraft which usually means less fuel, less endurance - it all depends on what you ultimately want.


But don't stress - if you decide after getting a RA-Aus certificate that you want to fly something bigger all that experience counts for something.


Go for it! And Welcome to Rec Flying Ted.





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Guest skyspud

Hi Ted and welcome,


I agree it is cheaper to learn on to fly on some RAA aircraft, best to investigate quality of instructers first though if possible. This site might be able to point you in the right direction.


If a career pilot flying charters or airlines, then the ppl is a must To fly charter you would actually need a CPL or if airlines an ATPL. Again you would need to choose carefully with flying schools as many aim to convert your dollars into as many hours as they can squeeze out of you.


Once your up and going, Good times ahead.


Best of luck




Go fast and take chances



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