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Question?? Name badges

Guest Wigg

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Re: Natfly




Originally Posted by Wigg


Hi Ian,


John has asked me to send you an email to ask if there are name tags, or how do we identify RAA-A members at Natfly? This will be our first time there & just wanted to find out how we go about the right protocol of ID.




Sue Wiggett


Hi Sue


We don't have anything in the line of badges, name tags etc but what a good question!


Two things we could do is:


1. I take a lot of those clear plastic name tag holders that have a safety pin with them and we put a Recreational Flying card in it and the user could write their username on it - not a nice thing to wear though but is an option.


2. Not sure if there is enough time but Recreational Flying badges with the logo and name on them - like the RAAus ones. Not sure where they could be obtained from or how much they would cost - would you like to take a job on???? :big_grin:


Is anyone interested in name badges with Recreational Flying emblem & your user name on? I thought we could let this run for maybe 2 weeks to see how much interest there is. It is nice to be able to put a name to faces we all see on here & thought Natfly is the ideal place to do it.




Sue Wiggett



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As per phone call Ian yes if enough interest shown I will take it on. Maybe a badge with Recreational Flying logo & user name would do. If anyone is interested I will leave it open for 2 weeks. Maybe some suggestions would be appreciated. I thought it would be good so that 1st timers & others could indentify other users this way at Natfly.




Sue Wiggett



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You're talking about something like this that I created some months back. Can't remember what the function was.


I didn't have/couldn't get a clear image of the logo hence it's pixelated appearence. Colour selection could have been better as well.





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Name tags


Ian used plastic name tag holders with Rec Flying Forums tags & own username texta'd in during many attempts at an Echuca fly-in 2007/08. They were quite adequate, but would be happy to buy a smarter looking one for myself & (hopefully) driver to Natfly (BigPete) if you Wiggs go into production.


Regards, Decca.024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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I'm sure that someone on the Evans Head fly in thread suggested we have some sort of standard meeting place and time at events so people can catch up. There were a few of us at Evans Head but most didn't meet.


How about saying at any aviation event we all get together at a certain time at somewhere obvious? Windsock? Fuel bowser (if there is one)?



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