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regarding the medical required for a private lic.


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Not sure if you misunderstood that the question was regarding class two medicals motzartmerv, but all CASA class one and two medicals require a urine sample for drugs.


If you fail you get tested again, not sure what happens after that as I've never been concerned by it. Make sure you disclose any medication you are on.


Simple answer is you either choose to fly, or do drugs, not both.



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Guest studentbiggles
Does it include a drug test, and if so, what if I fail?

I'm with Motzartmerv on this one?.....MMMMmmmm......Keep it in the "Green" and keep youself "Clean" for eveybodys sake....and yours....Studentbiggles



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Well I stopped taking fast drugs, and since stopped taking the slow ones but being around the resources and influences I have I figure I should put the medical on hold just for a little longer until I'm sure my urine is consumable-clean.


flying motivated me to stop using



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Benjamin, well its news to me. I have had several Aviation medicals, and have never been tested for drugs. I have just looked up the DAME handbook on the casa site, no mention of drug testing there. The only mention of it is in the DAMP program. Which is nothing to do with aviation medicals.


Raptor, Im glad to hear you gave it away. Good onya.:thumb_up:



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Guest Cloudsuck
Ummmm....No it doesn't. But if your worried about it, perhaps an aeroplane isn't a place for you to be spending too much time in.

Nicely said Motz, I already have too many drug f#*ed idiots on the same roads as me. I don't need them in the same sky. As such, I'm a big fan of drug and booze testing of pilots.



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Guest basscheffers

Did my class 2 about two years ago. No samples of any kind. Has anything changed since then?



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Guest Mad Dave

I think it also depends how you answer the question on the paperwork for the medical that asks if you "have at any time taken drugs" (not the exact wording, but you get the idea). If you answer yes (being totally honest about your youthful indescretions) they will give you a urine test every time you get your medical renewed.


I actually asked the doctor who did my last medical about it and he said that it is just "easier" to say no to the question (even if not necessarily truthful)





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Guest Baphomet

Currently going through the process right now to get my PPL back (class 2). You make a disclosure statement, and provide a urine sample, although I wasn't told what was being tested. Being a type 2 diabetic, I also had to supply blood for glucose and cholesterol levels.



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Probably a good point really Raptor... I've never touched (or will for that matter) drugs of any sort. But it did occur to me, those that could be on medication for some reason or other could have a sign of drugs in their system... ?? i_dunno



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Benjamin, well its news to me. I have had several Aviation medicals, and have never been tested for drugs. I have just looked up the DAME handbook on the casa site, no mention of drug testing there. The only mention of it is in the DAMP program. Which is nothing to do with aviation medicals.Raptor, Im glad to hear you gave it away. Good onya.:thumb_up:

They have never had you pee in cup :confused:



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Guest Cloudsuck
never an addict just took drugs like any other person my age does

I hear that all the time from druggies Raptor, it is amost like an excuse, but not all people your age (what ever that is) do drugs. Or they say, "oh it's just a bit of Wizz or a bit of Weed etc". Makes it sound all so harmless.


I think you might have had a bit of 'gear' on board when you filled out the type of aircraft you fly in your profile...


Still if your desire to fly makes you give it up for good, good on you. But if you don't want to give it up for good, stay on the ground.



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Yes, pee'd in many a cup, they useing the little strips to detect blood etc.. not drugs..

Yep, I had the same. The DAME dipped the strip in it to test for blood then flushed it down the toilet.


I've heard CASA does random drug and alcohol testing but I've never seen or heard of anybody actually getting tested.





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They only test the urine for blood? Looks like I was wrong about that then.


Bidgee, yep CASA do have a team that has done alchohol and drug testing around Australia, however private pilot's are highly unlikely to be tested, they seem to hit up the schools and commercial pilot's.



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Raptor I can assure you that everyone your age does not take drugs.


Remember it isn't an issue of staying clean for you medical, it is a vital safety issue around aircraft - even on the ground, let alone at altitude where the affect of drugs may be different.


CASA does random drug testing at airports and yes they can and do randomly test private pilots.


Flying can be its own drug, you won't need anything else.



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