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Zaon MRX traffic alert


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We had purchased our traffic alert system about 12 months ago and have used it nearly every time we fly and definitely every time we go on an extended flight. It does not give you every aircraft that is around you as it is a passive system and it requires interrogation from radar systems checking other aircraft transponders around you, but it has proven itself time after time to alert us to other aircraft that are hard to see and given us that extra peace of mind that if we cannot see another aircraft and it is txp equipt we should be able to have warning if it is within 10nm of us and at what height relative to where we are.


The biggest problem with the Zaon MRX is the short battery life that it gives but in the box comes an external power lead and that helps for the long flights over about 8 hrs.


The Zaon Mrx is a great bit of kit, it is small in size so it does not take up a lot of extra space in the dash panel and after having a traffic alert system I feel we would miss it if we did not have it anymore.


Brian :)



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Completely agree Brian


I fitted an MRX in my Jab 14 months ago ... had a small problem with the plug in power and sent it back. The Zaon guys gave it an upgrade free of charge and sent it back from the US in under 2 weeks... great service.


Fantastic unit .. it doesn't replace your eyes to look and avoid but it does help fill in some of the gaps on the ones you miss if they have a transponder turned on.







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