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Posts posted by CT9000

  1. 1 hour ago, Captain said:

    .......... a brave mouse (Cappyref) that runs around inside the box pressing the contacts on an LED which indicates "More Power" on a sticker on the outside.


    Cappy had taught Peter how to drive (and Jack too) and was well known in racing circles where he also taught Nicky about the dangers of fire (and the pitfalls of owning an airline (avref)) where ...........


    Turbo and Cappy have been best mates for about 50 years and have always helped each other with money, support & advice when needed (Cappy was a cornerstone investor in several of the Turbine Industries initiatives). Cappy also thinks it is lovely, as Turbo confirms above, that Turbs meets Mrs Cappy every few weeks for a few hours (sometimes they talk for over half a day, so that's nice when Turbo is as busy as he is) to discuss the meaning of life and a few other things which must mean a lot to her, as she always comes home relaxed, happy, smelling of Old Spice and sometimes with her hair a bit ruffled. But Cappy has always trusted his best mate and is certain that Turbo would never do the wrong thing .......... although Cappy also notes that Turbo has never been a great conversationalist with him, which is also proven by his posts in Wreck Flying. 

    .......differing opinions may polarize { P Brock ref} various positions on the benefits of such add on devices and may even upset the sponsors.......

  2. 2 hours ago, Captain said:

    We all know that Turbo's head is pretty shiny, CT, but to call it "chromed", or to refer to his recent face-lift as "plastic" is perhaps going too far.

    Captain you are a master at shifting gears but please don't drop me in the proverbial fecal matter. I get myself into enough trouble offending people on my own.

    So back to NES .....but at least there are no Morry side valve engines involved. The upgrade to Nissan 1200 engines {even by a con job} must be an improvement in reliability. The fake turbo probably adds a few horsepower as well. Another thought just came up !!!!! we need to add one of those whistle thingys as well to complete the look...... 

    • Like 1
  3. .....should we trust those wonderful trustworthy people that caused the shortage of the blue / grey paint dye when they painted the Haval and Evo52 engines with the new Nissan 1200 stickers on top in the hope that this mostly honest sort of deceptive idea might somehow improve the reliability of the afore mentioned powerplants........

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, turboplanner said:

    ....and he also noticed obviously illegal beach mansions with hectares of beach fenced off and people darting about on jetskis. Geelong airfield had been roofed over and he could see wild parties taking place above the strip he had intended to land on. This deck had been built overnight without any planning permits which had become the Victorian way. Tattooed naked girls were sunbaking on his normal touchdown point, and he shuddered as he thought of his recent escape, then indignant at what these uncouth nouveau riche had done, and desperate for a magnificent luch at the Edgewater where the only thing taken off the steaks are the horns, he put down in Ryrie Street.

    After a few moments..............

    ....of quiet contemplation as the vicpol officer was writing tickets out, this will probably be still cheaper than the landing fees at the nearby other airfields ........

    • Like 1
  5. 52 minutes ago, onetrack said:

    .....something from the Changeling (1980 film), a grotesque and shadowy presence, threatening all who enter his domain.


    Suddenly, bull snapped out of his irrational, fear-driven trance, and realised the black UFO was only a dark thundercloud in a saucer shape, and he wasn't really being drawn upward, he was simply riding a thermal.


    At that, he went into a shallow dive and turn to get back to his regular altitude, and to avoid the threatening thundercloud. Within a few minutes, as the haze cleared, he could recognise the coastline again, and he found he was right on course for Geelong. 


    As he turned into the landing circuit, however, he spotted........



    .......a lot of houses on the runway. It appears that the twenty year old ERSA may not have the up to date information......



    Side note' Geelong airport closed a long time ago.

    • Haha 1
  6. 13 hours ago, onetrack said:

    .....envy. But Shades was more envious of CT's ability to coax huge power out of little engines - which of course, was all started when he found he didn't have enough power, when climbing up out of Victorian gullies, after taking random potshots at rabbits from the cockpit.


    Shades was keen to acquire some of CT's engine-building knowledge - but CT was very protective and secretive as regards his engine-building skills, and wasn't about to let any Taswegian acquire them. After all, it had taken him years to find enough Morris Minor engines, and more years of experimentation and fine tuning, to reach the required level of performance and durability.


    "I tell ya what", said Shades, as he and CT sucked on some rough red wines and chewed on some Tassie oysters. "If I give ya some pointers as to how you.........

    ......can stay out of trouble in Tassie by not laughing and calling the locals V8's {two heads}......

    • Like 1
  7. ........then the realization hit home as they looked at the side valve Morrry engine, you bluddey cheat. That's a Datsun 1200 engine, no wonder you get more power out of it than any one else in the world. Yes the super charger pushed the old Morry a bit hard, pushed the pistons into the sump and blew the head off the block, but a Datsun engine with a Morry badge on top?? ......

  8. 1 hour ago, Captain said:

    ..... you need to complete a 5 page HF form to fill in a Form, or even to go to the dunny, where the pre-printed HF toilet paper needs to be filled in, in triplicate before you can .......

    .....even contemplate filling in an application form to apply for a form for a medical renewal form. You will need to ponder this for a while seeing our NES comrades have let the side down a bit. Firstly the captain lead in " taildragger" was lost, and then my lead in "sceet hoses" died as well. Lift your game people, we need to lift this nonsense to a higher level. Meanwhile the Morry engines are all gone now, the Reno do fine engines are all gone as well, the Ford econobox with the 408 cube engine tore itself to bits and the Pitts V8 was too nose heavy to lift off.....   

  9. 1 hour ago, Captain said:

    The CT brings a welcome note of serious flughaffen machinen landen schtrippen reasoning und history to the NES and life, lived on the edge as we all do, is all the better for it. 


    Now all bugger off (please/bitte) as Ratty is having too much fun playing in the NES and today needs to complete his Mine & Exploration Annual Technical Report (Jährlicher Technischer Bericht) for the Government.

    I am now buggering off to pop some more bunnies. they are coming out looking a little damp but no life jackets or flack jackets.

    • Haha 1
  10. 12 minutes ago, Captain said:

    Thanks CT. Cappy will do this once he gets back from the church service, being held nation wide in support of the besieged residents of Darraweit Guim living in the blessed & holy land by the 5 sacred rivers, who we understand have been described as living in similar circumstances to those in Israel (with settlements building unapproved airfields there too etc) and with rockets being amassed to be fired at them by the terrorists in Wallan. Blessed art DG, the Minister said, and we are about to sing Psalm 26.

    Sent from Cappy's phone inside his hymn book. 

    For information of all. Some years ago a council in the western district of Victoria decided to charge a person that put in a local private airfield without a permit. The problem the council had was that the poor unfortunate farmer was also a very skilled barrister I an told he is actually a QC and the case went straight to the supreme court, of course the council lost. Now as we all know that supreme court precedent  reigns so if your new private airfield is incidental to the primary use of the land the a permit in not required.  Any way back to more important things like singing......... 

    • Like 1
  11. Side note, Captain and I posted at about the same time so the continuity makes no sense but you can, if desperate to make sense of this story, read the posts in a reverse order. You could of course not bother.     Oh what the hell do what you like,             of course it all makes sense.  

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, Captain said:

    .... and yet, dear reader, the hubcaps have been plugged on hundreds of cars on the highway, just like cappy used to do with his air rifle thru his bedroom window all those decades ago.


    Ten shot mags and fair-treatment (CASAref) reminded OT of the ......

    .....time he tried to renew his medical......

  13. 20 hours ago, Captain said:

    Just intercepted on my VicPol scanner ..... It has been reported that some Darraweitian Guimium resident has been hiding in camo gear and trying to pop bunny families as they hitchhike past, heading north on the highway to freedom & a better life. ......... This was described by an ex SAS (respect) witness as very similar to the way Syrian snipers tried to pick off Kurdish families after their gas attack.

    ......as the sniper in question responded "I treat everyone fairly only use a bolt action 22 with a magazine of only10 and the tele sight is only for the hard ones that don't stand still."......

  14. 18 minutes ago, Captain said:

    ..... an actual CheckList which heretofore he had never bothered about.


    "I don't need no namby pamby wanky checklist" he said to his students, who actually thought that he was a .... 

    ......bit of a nutter anyway trying to take off with three on board a single seater, but you can have three on board a two seater in Sydney if the passengers are young........

  15. 3 hours ago, turboplanner said:

    .....envelope, but Turbo didn't make it to Kilmore Gap. He would have had no0 trouble adapting to the conditions in the J170, which was flying like a bird, albeit at a very slow speed, but he became bored with the scenery and decided to make an Outlanding [raghead ref] . He landed beautifully on a farm paddock. As he expected , the wind was roaring so he tied it to a tray. While walking up to the farm house he had an accident, tripping and suffering a broken arm and head injuries, but as we know he is tough and after he had a cup of tea with the farmer who showed hinm dozens of rabbit jackets, he decided to fly on after all, but when he got back to the plane the wind had pulled its tail off, one of the mains was missing and something had broken both prop blades. He decided ................ 

    .....the broken prop blades were no problem we can use some bark and twigs tied together with duct tape to fix that. The missing mainwheel is not needed in all this mud it will slide along well enough on it's belly. The missing tail is a bit of concern though, may be we could use rabbit jackets taped together and control pitch by moving back and forth seeing the seat is no longer there. Jab drivers are fearless.......

    • Like 1
  16. 2 minutes ago, Captain said:

    WARNING - Your beloved Ratty has been studying the weather around DG over recent minutes and suggests that the bunnies be issued life jackets (and masks) as it looks like the 5 precious DG waterways will be doing their thing this afternoon, and the bunnies may end up in the key lockdown areas of inner Melbournistan.

    A wonderful and accurate description of conditions at present, however the airfield elevation is about 1200' which is 400' above town so a flood of biblical size would be required to have great effect. Having said that the rotten little bathplugs seem to be hiding at the moment......

    • Like 1
  17. 5 minutes ago, Captain said:

    AS AN ASIDE (or as thread drift as that CT so crudely & cruelly described it) - This raises the issue, just like the BIG question of how many times is it permissible to wash IT in the shower, how long is it proper to milk a cow before Turbo would be charged with udder abuse? As he seems to take longer than necessary and to enjoy it way more then he should.  

    ......but back to the real aviation related NES. Back in the newly installed tower {avref} at the Darraweit Guim regonal airport {sorry Captain but could not help myself} In spite of this fine airfield being fully equipped with VFR navaids eg. a windsock, the tower controller was getting bored due to lack of traffic. The weather is rain & fog with a ceiling of 40' and vis of nearly half of the 650mtr main runway. Anyway the tower controller has taken to using a rifle to pop bunnies. Of course this is legal at an airport because bunnies are not a protected species...... 

  18. 10 minutes ago, Captain said:

    ..... about which the CT appears to have a strong interest, if not a fetish.


    Could it be that he and Darren White (respects to all convicts, blonde Finnish persons & whitey old folks (elders) alive and dead) might have 9000 of these engines in stock after they were removed in WA in preference to the torque and reliability of the superior Renault Dauphine powerplant (as made famous by the outstanding racing success of Turbine Sprintcars)?


    While on their fag breaks, the security staff of Turbine ATC had been searching that suburb with the weird donkey sounding name for the stash of Morries and they had ........



    No worries CT and even though you too are a Mexican, I will defend to the death your right to attempt to restart the NES.

    .....no luck at all, the affore mentioned engines have all rusted up and been sold off for scrap however there are a number of Ford v8 engines around that may be suitable. How about a 408 cu in 500 hp for the Ford Fiesta or maybee a 347 cu in 430 hp for the Pits??......

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