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Student Pilot

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Posts posted by Student Pilot

  1. I've only seen the Red Bull Races once on telly, was very confusing. The camera shots kept changing, with music blaring. Was hard to see what was actually going on, didn't stay on the flying long on one camera, out of focus shots swapping very quickly.


    Looks like it could be very interesting though.



  2. The bloke did the wrong thing, he might not have even seen you. Bad airmanship full stop.


    The last time I came through Griffith I got run off the taxiway by a 502, same thing I called taxing he was on a close downwind. I held at the taxiway he just turned off and kept on coming, I had to taxi off the side of the taxiway. There is no excuse for this sort of behaviour.


    Having said all that there's nothing worse than doing a 10 hour day then coming back in to some Airliner or Aeroclub bloke doing a 5 mile, 10 minute circuit. If you doing say 40 loads for the day off an Aifield, if your held up 5 minutes each load it can make a big difference in the days output. You still have to work in with other folks though.It's just good manners to all work together. Don't do circuits way out and work in with people.


    Some of the Airlineblokes tell lies around here, they think it lets them in first if their estimate is before yours. I've held short on the taxiway waiting for a Saab for5 minutes to fly a "5 mile final". I would have backtracked, taken off and been3 miles out by the time these bastards had landed.


    Working all day every day in Aircraft doesn't give you the rite to do anything you want.


    How many calls do you people make? With 3 Aircraft all doing 5 calls per circuit can get a bit overcrowded. The only manditory calls are 15 inbound (or if closer) and joining the circuit. Maybe he called taxing to backtrack and was overtransmitted?


    Go and have a yarn with him, most AG blokes like anything that flys and are usually easy to get on with.



  3. With the 502 I was thinking of an Airtractor, 503 is the Rotax.


    Years ago when things first kicked off in the ultralight side of things, the old twin Robin with a belt reduction was getting very close to 240lbs thrust at sea level. That was measured installed in the Aircraft.


    For a VW to develop that sort of power you would be runnning 5000 revs+? with a reduction?



  4. There's making power and usefull power. With a direct drive the prop diameter is the problem, doesn't matter what the power rating is you won't get much more than 60 HP and lots more noise. That's where a geared Rotax 502 will develop more thrust than a VW.



  5. For us older folks the bigger screen would help. I've had a bit to do with Garmins, 3's, 196 and 296, all are great, the 3's screens getting a bit small these days though. A feature I don't use is the terrain warning on the 296, it's a waste of time. The machines default is to have it active so it's part of the GPS fire up is to turn off the terrain warning.



  6. Bob down at Palmers Island has a flyin every Australia day, There would have been a dozen or so machines turn up including a Kitfox, Foxbat, in addition to the one's that are based there, Jab, Lightwing, Thruster and a Flightstar. There were some GA stuff as well including a nice C180, a couple of RV's, Glassair, couple of Cheerokees,C182's and an old bomb Pacer. The weather was perfect, the strip was the best grass surface I've seen.













  7. URGENT message for the guest post, if you know who owns the Gazelle in the picture tell him not to fly it anymore until he gets the engine checked




    Every picture posted has the Gazelle pouring smoke out, maybe he's overboosted the consosinator?



  8. Most GA stuff will do it, especially if you hold it on for a while, if you get the Aircraft flying when it can instead of holding down then pulling off with some "margin". Pull the Aircraft off at minimun speed and let it accelerate in ground effect.


    Using brakes is no big problem as long as you don't stomp hard, just stop the wheel rotation. Sometimes too if the bearing is on the looser side with not much greese it will make it spin up as well. I do probably 900 take offs and landings a 100 hourly, no ill effects stoping the wheels after lift off. The front wheel however has no brakes (not a Mig) and does spin up and vibrate towards the end off the 100 sometimes.



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