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Posts posted by sseeker

  1. Andrew ,the fuel endurance area will not allow the correct endurance to be calculated and result in the pilot believing s/he has more endurance than actually available.

    I don't understand... I've always done fuel calculations as a total flight, not split into different legs. The Jabiru inflight is hard to tell what fuel you have anyway. Do you mean I should have a total fuel required and total fuel available section? The fuel table is the same as the table CASA released with their VFR flight planning package. Maybe I should just copy the ASA fuel calculation table and put it on a separate page and print it double sided? (As Darky said)





  2. Mental maths isn't my sort of thing, I feel much more confident using the wheel. Cfi has a point if you're 3 minutes late on your leg from A to B then you could assume you're gonna be 3 minutes late arriving at point C from B. So you could revise your estimate from 53 to 56? No need to recalculate GS/use ruler/wheel all that stuff. For some reason my instructor loves recalculating in flight 031_loopy.gif.e6c12871a67563904dadc7a0d20945bf.gif





  3. Been playing with the wiz wheel and it's actually pretty easy to use... I know how to do the Time+Distance stuff and 1 in 60s on it now. Question about 1 in 60s. You find you're off track but you've got a fix so you can do a 1 in 60, you work out how long it took you to get to that fix from your previous on track fix then do the calculation on the wiz wheel to parallel you to your track, then you wait for however long it took you to get off track while flying the corrected heading, then do a further calculation on the wiz wheel to put you back on heading correct?





  4. Magneto,


    I practiced on FS2004 with no addon scenery and the graphics on ultra high and I agree with you, it's real accurate. I did a very basic nav YPJT - YPEA - YGIG - YPJT with custom wind @ 270/12, I planned it all out, used the E6B etc... and sure enough I arrived at YGIG 2418 as planned :big_grin: I only use it for practicing my logging though, because believe it or not I still managed to stuff up a few entries lol. This weekend I'm going shopping at the pilot shop for all new ERSA, CAG, Charts, utensils etc... Is there anything useful anyone recommends for planning? My instructor and some others in this post mentioned chinagraph pencils, worth getting some?





  5. Thanks for the advice everyone, practically I've used the AirServices nav log although now I've got this CASA VFR Kit I'm considering using their version (seems to fit nicely on the kneeboard with no folding). Checklists aren't a problem, we use CLEAROFF (Compass, Location, Engine, Altitude, Radio, Orientation, Fuel, Forced Landing). Also spotting major landmarks isn't a major problem, I have that down packed, it's fairly simple so far. I struggle most with using my E6B and logging the flight on the paper/plotting the map. In the Jabiru it's such a pain to do, you have to cross hands just to write on the paper (if you're right handed), the pockets in the door are crammed full of useless crap that you don't need while you're flying so I have no where but in between my legs to put my tools (lol interpret that how you want). If I could use my phone as an E6B it'd make the process much easier, I hate fiddling with the plastic one in flight. The first response from my flying school would be, "What if your phone freezes/runs out of battery/breaks mid flight, what would you do?" - Well what if my E6B was left on the dash, then it warps and was rendered unturnable...? I just need to practice keeping my logs because when you spend half the flight with your head in your lap trying to interpret what you wrote on the paper, there's something wrong.





  6. Hi David,


    Thanks for the response, it's not so much the spotting landmarks that sets me back, it's the actual flight logging. Logging times, using the E6B etc... I was thinking of just using my electronic E6B on my phone, don't know if the flight school will allow it though. It's just as likely to break in flight as my plastic E6B...





  7. Hey everyone,


    I'm after a good way to practice logging my navs. I've got about 6-7hours worth of practical nav flying but it got put on hold when I ran out of money. It really didn't feel like I was progressing mainly because I was stressing out trying to interpret everything that was going on. Filling out paper, going through checks, reading charts, where am I, doing practiced 1 in 60s. It was all WAY to much. I'm getting back into my navs now so I want to make sure I've got the process down in my head so I have some kind of a mental plan. This way I won't feel as much pressure and I'll save myself some money! I was thinking doing flights in the 172 on flight sim and practicing the procedures/logging but you can't really fly VFR on flight sim. Then I was thinking of just doing it all in my head i.e ok I've arrived at waypoint X, log time, new heading/ALT, late or early? if so revise next waypoint estimate etc...


    What are your thoughts?





  8. Ahlocks, you quoted what I said and proved exactly what I was saying lol. I was saying that cost sharing of above 50% is illegal AND so is advertising. Can you tell me why RA-Aus FTFs are exempt from some of the regulations in CAA 1988? CASA must have thought that they were so safe they didn't need an AOC 031_loopy.gif.e6c12871a67563904dadc7a0d20945bf.gif


    Just so we're clear, I'm not trying to be extremely negative towards CASA and I'm 100% for aviation safety, I just think the whole process (as poteroo has said) is a bit over controlled. But I guess it's better to over control than under control. :thumb_up:





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