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Posts posted by hihosland

  1. "My family tree is enough to force a bloke to believe in "intelligent Design"" said Le Crapp "


    As a belief in Evolution leads one to the terrible conclusion that ........


    There’s nothing so random as random selection.


    Not even the random Dispers ing


    of RiverlandLass’s holiday favors


    complete and replete with ………….



  2. Said Pete to Riverland Lass


    "a couple of gallons of bundy with a touch of coke poured down your oil inlet and bobs your uncle, no more noisy tappets......."


    responds she


    "do'nt you mean 'up bobs me uncle'?


    I promise you that if he tries anything like that again


    bundy down me oil inlet or not


    he'll be sobbin not bobbin.


    And anyway how did you now that my


    uncle had noisy tappets? The last I heard he


    had given away the taps and was attempting


    to prance around in pink ballet pumps in a


    hopefully futile attempt to ...........



  3. "OH but how" cries RiverlandLass "can you deliver a baby Jabba if you rob all the stritches from the delivery suite?.


    That lock wire stuff sounds terribly scratchy.


    I bet if you do then the baby jabba will be horribly deformed with radiator missing and its tappets all.........'"



  4. Quote "As the years rolled by, young Peter initially studied to become a gynacologist, but later decided to become a motor mechanic. As a result of all his past training, he can now strip and overhaul a Jabbyroo engine without having to remove the cowlings, by working purely through the exhaust pipe.:thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up:"




    To riverlandLass Jabby-Gynie-Pete boasted "With enough of the right lubricant I can deliver a J120 from a J430"




    Wide eyed in wonder RiverlandLass queries "Without any stritches?"




    Responds Jabby-Gynie-Pete "...........




  5. Does anyone have any experience or comments re the SPOT personal messenger, EPIRB device.?


    Sounds like a good idea, relatively cheap to buy cf a GPS enabled 406 EPIRB but would rapidly become expensive with the annual subscriptions.


    Any web site info that I can find provides no real details just marketing spin.


    and a great New Year to all





  6. ....... Aerochute Kev, who'd been hired by


    notasyet grandmother of Riverland Lass to spy and try


    to prevent the backofthecemetery conception of RiverlandLass.


    Kev truly had absolutely no interest in yet-to-grow-to-be-pilotPete.


    Pete of course was not to know this and being thus scared whitless 'n


    ..itless by this apparition resolved never again to a perving-go on yet-to-be-mother-of-RiverlandLass and so diverted for ever-more his attentions to .............



  7. Ian


    What else to do other than to say "thanks"


    when thanks seems such a pathetic response to all the work, time and dollars that you have invested.


    The offending e-mails are a sad comment on society.


    A society in which we all live, the good the bad and the ugly of us.


    Again many thanks


    and a happy, healthy, prosperous and rewarding 2009 to you and yours





  8. Gott nytt år och god jul på dig.//hd

    Tack så mycket Hans.


    Wonderful to have you own strip in such attractive country. the strip does seem to have some what of a ski jump at one end.


    Best of Australian wishes





  9. piece of the action


    "We wouldn't mind a bit of that action" said the Riverland Lass (and her mum) "Me too" said her grandma.

    "What is his strut and his pitch variability like?" they chorused.


    "They are still certified, but ..............

    being certified dosen't mean much any more since they closed all the institutions and sent all the certifiable out to aimlessly wonder the streets of the night.


    And in truth his strut has as


    much life as a turkey on Nov 30


    As for his pitch variable


    he's only one pitch


    and it has not varied in years


    and always starts off with


    the old tried and very tired line of


    "Do you come here ........



  10. ...cried




    There's so much style about.


    Paris Hilton must be coming"


    And so enbolden by the ambiance and determined to impress,


    she strode as tall as she could over to FreeGrogGeoff and with pinky nonchalantly curled about a Darwin Stubby holder sweetly inquired "Can I have a Bundy ............."



  11. Commanding the viscous leer to "Sit Stop Stay" off in a quiet corner the Riverland Lass doth say....


    "You crying 'Pull Up, Pull Up' in your sleep did touch me right here.


    Can I perhaps assist you to settle this 'Pull Uppingness' while soothing your fevered.........



  12. Big Pete did say


    '"and speaking of my better half, :broken_heart: she now informs me that my new battery is part of my xmas booty. "


    From which one can only conclude that last Christmas she did buy him something into which he could insert batteries.


    A grand Christmas to all


    slack windsocks


    and following winds





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