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Posts posted by Russ

  1. Geeez.......where do i start, just point em and go. They're good for 100+kts, 6...8hrs duration, comfy,safe,..........that's 4 reasons, toss in........you find em everywhere criss crossing this island, and that's a fact.


    Could go on .......but i'm packing the ol girl ( jab ) for Qld, NT, WA, Qld.........be gone for 5....6 weeks, tiger country all the way. 019_victory.gif.9945f53ce9c13eedd961005fe1daf6d2.gif



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  2. To be fair........the brand i used ( can't remember ).......i went exactly as per instructions, and at high revs wheels became out of balance, quite badly actually.


    Maybe.....a smaller amount might be the go ???? . After 3...4 flats, in 8 mths, i bit the bullet and fitted 10 ply tyres. Zero flats since.


    ( btw... wheel barrow tyre is bigger than jab tyre.......just sayin )



  3. "Goo" in small diam tyres does not work......at high rpm, things go pearshaped. ( i've tried it )


    leather inserts..........don't work.


    Trelleborg 10 ply tyres......so far good. ( jab size )



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  4. Which bloody part of 'we have the Spreadsheet' do you not understand? CASA commits a crime if it does NOT provide an accurate copy of its records in response to an FOI request, with redactions according to security/privacy/ Cabinet-in-Confidence / Commercial-in Confidence concerns.. It released the data under FOI last bloody August - just because it didn't happen to include you on that release list, doesn't mean others do NOT have an accurate copy.You are simply not sufficiently important that CASA automatically includes you on their list. Deal with it.

    steady there pal......you'll pop a cork, and it ain't worth it. ( open a nice merlot, grab a good read )



  5. Prepare for the worst........the whole saga was flawed, from the beginning. The "spin doctors" may pull a rabbit out of their hat here. They have to, it's that serious to them.


    ( getting "exposed" is their worst nightmare, come true )



  6. If you are slow enough it won't float. Your engines idle speed can cause float also. Nev

    absolutely true.......i've "dead sticked" to feel the difference.......it's a lot. ( getting a jab "off " ..short field, easy, ( <200m ) .....it's "the on" that's more challenging. ( for me )



  7. From experience.........the last thing you want, is a "floaty" aircraft, when dropping into shortish rural strips. Even worse, if you need to final over trees. ( love me 160 )



  8. How about one or 2 here ( that exhibit knowing what to do ), get your heads together, form the required request/s...........and get these "elusive" FACTS.


    I would..........if i knew how. ( how matters have just flip flopped around for 12mths....or more, bewilds me )



  9. This "saga" has rolled on for approx 12 mths, comments have abound..............yet, NOTHING has eventuated in a legal stoush. If............casa were truly ( like a rabbit, blinded by the headlights )...........helpless..........why have we not heard of these legal firms that operate " no win, no fee " attacking the jugular vein of casa. Why have we heard jack sh!t from any media. I'm thinking that just maybe, "they" are on safe grounds here....( casa )


    just sayin........



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  10. I have a Dynavibe ...and it really works 004_oh_yeah.gif.82b3078adb230b2d9519fd79c5873d7f.gifI gather you have been reading the latest Sport Pilot mag

    actually.....no. I like to give it a "refresh" every yr. ( sand / relaquer) and have flooked a "balanced" prop each time. Spray same speed, same coatings both blades. Other jab owners have commented how smooth my jab runs..........but "luck" can't keep happining for me.



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