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Posts posted by M61A1

  1. Steel? or just metal? aluminium and zinc alloys melt at a relatively low temperature and I would expect them to be found there. I doubt that even in a demolition that there would be evidence of molten steel. Yes, a building's life may be limited but the very idea that it had explosives built into it is outright ridiculous, even moreso than the original concept.



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  2. Fact; Silverstein leased the center some 6 months before the event. He had insured it against terrorist attack for $3.2bn. On the afternoon of 9/11 he is on public record as saying,"We decided to pull it". About 30 mins later it collapsed (guess what?), on its own footprint as had towers 1 & 2 earlier that day.

    How can a decision signaled by the phrase,"pull it" be followed by its total demolition 30 minutes later if it had not had the means for destruction already installed.

    I may not be a genius but if you can't give meaningful answers to these questions please don't label me with pathetic phrases.

    So, one might ask where they got thousands of kilos of explosives into town and into the building without anyone else's knowledge and then set the charges in structurally significant places with detcord all over the place in two huge buildings with thousands of people in without anyone noticing something suspicious?

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  3. So I started having a bit of a play with the Tefzel wire I have. First impressions is that it is very stiff. That's not my concern though, see attached (click on thumbnail for full size). I was expecting it to be bright under the insulation. This is the best pic I could take. You can compare the end which is freshly cut to the side. I put a crimp on to test it and there is no extra resistance, but doesn't mean there won't be with some load on it[ATTACH alt=IMG_20200529_072031.jpg]53558[/ATTACH]

    What does the other end look like? If the silver plated stuff has been sitting around for a while the cut end often starts to oxidise creeping up under the insulation. Sometimes you can trim it back a bit to get fresh clean wire. Sometimes not.

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  4. It’s taken me a little while to get the hang of it, too, but I think I have it sorted.


    It does seem to take extra steps to get where the previous version arrived straight away and I guess its Cranked up design Is a little bit about having the shiniest new toy on the block.


    But I still love OR so I’ll keep on persevering.


    I love my old Garmin 295, too ?


    (Note the GS, guys...I thought the dear old thing had been supercharged)

    Auster? why does it have a label about a nose wheel lock on the dash?

  5. 30 year old dies of the virus in Blackwater.QLD NOW

    . These events will keep popping up. Maybe FIFO. Not only the old die. There's no place for gung ho " I'm OK you can get effed." WE ALL have to do a part. Any consideration of the NEW being as it was is wild conjecture. There's much to find out yet. It's more like AIDS TB and polio till they were controlled (but are coming back due slack attitudes). We move around like no other civilisation ever has and there's multiples of us compared to past population levels. This pandemic was always going to happen and there may well be more to come. Same as predictable problems with Industrial scale Agricultural monoculture practices.. Nev

    This guy hade a complicated medical history and they are looking at possible contact with the infected healthcare worker from Rockhampton.

    He had been sick for weeks yet his partner who lives with him has tested negative at this stage.

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  6. Trade Tools sell a good range of inexpensive hole saws. I believe they have a store at Geebung on the northside.

    I've had a set for near 10 years now and have used it on aluminium, steel, timber and other things. The only thing that made one blunt was cement sheet. They can also be purchased individually rather cheaply.

    If you are using this type of hole saw especially in thin aluminium, I have found it useful to drill your pilot then use a solid arbor instead of the drill bit so you hole doesn't wander.



    The circle cutters should be available somewhere....I have bought two of them over the years, but not online.

  7. With respect to the idiiots, such as those on Bondi Beach, well, I would have to agree with you

    While I won't condone what these clowns did, I seem to recall that a large number of cases were due to well heeled travellers who decided to hold post trip dinner parties.

    I have no issue with the government taking some action, but those actions need to be well thought out and not the typical "knee jerk" that we got. Legislation needs to be clear, concise, consistent and above all actually address the problem with minimal negative outcome. It has been a "fail" on all of those things.

    You can use a small hammer to crack a nut, but the govt used a very large sledgehammer. The result was that the nut was cracked, but collateral damage was/is high.

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  8. It's good to see so many of you giving advice of your immense medical knowledge about infectious diseases.

    I'd recommend the US if you want open slather, I'm sure Donny would welcome with open arms another Trump voter :oh yeah:

    No one was talking about open slather. There are other options between the extremes. It seems that everyone that's fine with locking the country up believes there only other thing to do would be to do nothing at all.

    If we all lived by the advice of medicos no one would play football, ride a horse, bicycle, motorcycle, fly recreationally, drink or smoke and probably a heap of other things. These are all things I have been advised by various doctors to avoid over the years.

    I doesn't take much to look at the laws being enforced over the last few months to realise that a lot of them were utter garbage. Nothing wrong with "social distancing", but there are so many examples of "illegal behaviour" that perfectly embody the spirit of "social distancing", but were shut down.

    If it's ok to head off to the shop where there are a couple of hundred other people all having everything they handle handled by a few checkout operators, it's probably fine to swim in the surf, lay in the sun or camp in the middle of nowhere.

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  9. You would be happy to be in Russia or Brazil, then?

    These are places i have seriously considered moving to.

    Up here Anna is nearly as bad as Dear Leader, Chairman Dan.

    According to some stats I saw yesterday, the infection rate was already in steep decline from social distancing and that enforced "lockdown" was pointless. Similar results could have been achieved with a lot less economical damage.

    No one was suggesting just doing nothing, but for the most part the rules in place are unnecessary and silly. that's what people are annoyed about.

  10. It shows me however that parachutes are probably costing more lives than saving lives ! All of thse canopy failures are a concern. The way that glider just exploded is also a worry !

    Some of those look like training exercises gone wrong. The paragliders over water in particular. An acquaintance of mine is a paragliding instructor, I can't remember what they call it, but the do it over a local lake when they deliberately upset the canopy then recover to learn how to deal with a collapsed canopy. They receive instruction by radio while doing the exercise.

    Perhaps some paraglider drivers could elaborate.

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  11. The feather action requires a set sequence of switching on the Airmaster. I would consider it very difficult to do inadvertently. They are usually set up with a manifold pressure gauge. The Rotax operators manual has a chart for manifold pressure and power with defined limits.

    Here is a link to the Airmaster manual.


  12. As previously mentioned, I have a few hours behind a 912ULS fitted with a 3 blade Airmaster. The owner has put a few hundred hours on it so far and it had about 300 on it when he purchased it.

    It is still going well so far with no obvious issues. I found it easy to operate and fairly intuitive. It has TAKE OFF, CLIMB, CRUISE and MANUAL settings and can be feathered if desired. To my knowledge parts and service are readily available and different blades can be installed (Sensenich and Bolly) if you want a more efficient blade than the Warp Drive. It greatly enhances the performance envelope of this aircraft. Solo cruise is often up around 130 kts or more with full power available on takeoff and climbout.

  13. "...the helicopter’s emergency locator transmitter was selected ‘OFF’, disabling the automatic crash-activation of an emergency signal."



    Is there a reason why this option is even available?

    It reminds me of people I've seen deliberately removing their seat belt, as some form of rebellion against perceived oppression.

    It is my understanding that in a harsh environment sometimes ELTs have problems with being activated inadvertently.

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  14. [ATTACH type=full" alt="oil.JPG]53483[/ATTACH]

    Wanna bet? I've personally seen (and walked through) a hole in the superstructure of a ship made by a Harpoon missile almost perfectly round. The missile wasn't fitted with a warhead as it was just a test, but still made a hole just like that. There were a few small parts around, but virtually nothing recognisable from the missile.

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  15. Pretty sure that is one of the inner walls.

    [ATTACH type=full" alt="download.jpg]53477[/ATTACH][ATTACH type=full" alt="september-11-pentagon-design-gettyimages-1328633.jpg]53478[/ATTACH][ATTACH type=full" alt="debris.jpg]53480[/ATTACH]

    Quite likely. I imagine someone has tried to pass it off the outer wall. The images you link are the ones I have seen. Plenty of debris and scorch marks where the wings hit .

  16. The problem with bolts that are too long and have quite a number of exposed threads, is that the exposed threads corrode, and then it becomes difficult to unscrew the nut.

    If the exposed threads are projecting excessively from a housing, the housing threads will become damaged when the bolt is unscrewed.

    Given that they are factory Rotax bolts that appear to be standard automotive types, and are plated, I doubt there will be much of an issue. I have not noticed it be be a problem on any Rotax engine I have seen.

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  17. I don't know why they insist on adding other factors like low flying when alcohol was involved. Once you've impaired the decision making process the other stuff becomes irrelevant, somewhat like speeding and alcohol. According to a well presented drug and alcohol management lecture presented by a medical professional, decision making is impaired well before you get to the point of physical impairment.

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  18. I enjoy reading about the whacko's & their theories, makes for amusing reading!?

    It’s only enjoyable up to the point when you realise the same people vote and raise children.

    There's also a documentary on the Pentagon damage, engineeering, visual and measuremets of how far the aircraft got into the building, information on the extreme temperatures, photos of damaged items, injury/death rates, danage to the bodies of workers etc.

    if you're tempted to take the superficial theory put forward in this thread, look up the documentary, I think it;s in Netflix, and you'll have all the engineering data you need to put your mind to rest that there's noting in the theory. There was also a theory that the Pentagon crash and damage was staged, and this was probably a documentary to hit that one on the head.

    These people often believe the moon landing was fake....no amount of actual evidence will convince them. The believe all the evidence contrary to their belief is fake.

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