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Posts posted by Methusala

  1. Well, now that you mention it, I found it yesterday! Amazing how three good circuits in great flying conditions brings it all back. Y'know, pull the power, watch the screen fill with grass and when you can almost see the individual blades, pull back on the stick... nice landing, Don. ;)



  2. I'm not an engineer or scientist but on first principles it elludes me as to why a heat conductive medium should be required between mating surfaces of steel and alloy.If I touch a hot surface i feel the heat more or less instantly. Water does not boil any faster in a pot treated with an intermediate substance. I do, however, use anti-seize compound to prevent inter-granular binding between 2 dissimilar metals. I hope this provokes further dicussion on this worthy topic. I think that silicone based heat transfer paste is used in electronics to promote heat flow from a device to a heat sink across what would normally be an air gap. Kind regards, Don.



  3. Yes, finally 25-393 is back in the air. After a couple of cautious strip hops to 20 ft we lined up and rolled in the throttle. No surprises, just normal Thruster with plenty of control (although, having not flown one for quite some time, the "glide-slope" took some adjustment). Now to get on with re-engining the Karatoo, as well as enjoying the freedom of Thrustering. Pics will follow. Fraternally yours, Don.



  4. side pod fairings


    Dear Terry, I have a set of fairings and thought you may tell me how you went about fitting them. Seems that the fuselage needs to be hoisted off the floor to remove the wheel? I painted them black (red pod), will post a picture when all is assembled. Kind regards to all Thrusters, Don.



  5. For those of us who have learned to view announcements from govt. and their flunkies with severe scepticism, some thought should be applied to the proposed definition of CTAF® airports. Apparently this includes ALL airports that expect 1 or more 10pax a/c per MONTH! Should cover just about every sealed strip in Oz. And who do we trust to keep this register? Regards to all (most), Don.



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