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Posts posted by octave

  1. hard mail advice of registration and membership fees being due has ceased and communication to the membership is at an all time low.

    it now costs $1 to send a letter therefore if we have 9000 members this would cost at least $9000 to remind members to renew their membership, I am not sure how many aircraft registrations at the moment but perhaps around $3000 in postage to remind owners to re register. Not to mention other communications. Personally I don't think that communications have decreased, I seem to get plenty in my email.



    • Caution 1
  2. I find I read Sports Pilot online about the same amount as I read the hardcopy edition. I also read other magazines that I used to get a hard copy of online. I think IF the readership has shrunk that this will change as the younger generation becomes involved with recreational flying although it must continue to evolve to keep up with the quality of other sources of aviation information.


    Personally I think an issue is that when magazines go online they try to recreate the paper magazine digitally. The problem is that I don't feel this can compete with more interactive aviation sites. What is a traditional magazine? It basically is a bunch of pages containing adverts, letters to the editor, stories, editorials, pictures and classifieds. There are no shortages of sources of aviation information on the net (such as this forum) but they are often better because instead of pictures I can watch stunning videos, instead of reading an edited transcript of an interview I can watch a video of the interview, I can click on a link to an advert for the latest aircraft on the market. This is what the old style magazine MUST compete with.


    In terms of the magazine being the means of providing important information such as changes in regs or for calling for nominations for the board etc. I don't think it can, or ever or could have been relied upon in the past.


    I do think that with large increases in the cost of postage that we must get away from posting bits of paper, it is just too expensive.



  3. Britain has seemed to go downhill since joining the EU.

    In 1964 my parents brought me (at the age of 2) to Australia (as a 10 pound pom) because the future in the UK seemed so bleak. Since then the standard of living for the average British citizen has improved. I can not agree that the life of the average working person has got any worse than before EU, but perhaps you have so me examples of how Britain has gone downhill since the EU?



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  4. Well said NT, and I believe with my crystal ball that the membership will continually drop further putting even more pressure on RAAus finances and complete structure...I am willing to put $100 on it because they can't see the big picture from themselves.

    So for those who can't "see the big picture" perhaps you could spell it out a little clearer? After the recent vote you made it clear that although you disagreed you would give it a year to see how it went (or words to that effect) but you seemed to have changed your mind. Do you have new information?


    I am getting a little sick of people seemingly trying to kick RA AUS to death. Yes of course it is open to criticism, but this seems to be mainly presented as "I heard that" or "I am predicting that"


    If people think there was something illegitimate about the Queanbeyan vote then ask around amongst those who were there, get evidence, involve relevant authorities. The same applies to the recent vote.


    Some people are saying that RA AUS has "lost" 1 million dollars (or even 2) . Lost implies that it is gone and no one knows where it went. The recent CASA audit problems as I understand it were a failure over several years and over the tenure of several boards to ensure RA AUSs system were modernized and kept up to the standard that CASA demand. This of course was always going to be costly to fix. If members feel that this money has been misspent or worse then instead of vague accusations how about downloading the financial reports and putting the work in to identify the source of this loss.


    I first joined AUF in 1988 so I have seen it's ups and downs. I am more than happy to vote the present board out at the next election if they do not deliver but until then I am not prepared to snipe and undermine without solid evidence of mismanagement.


    For me one of the joys of flying is taking up passengers, and then trying to convince them that they too could learn to fly. I tell them how the RA system works and what they would need to do. I also until recently would direct them towards this forum as a source of information, I now no longer do this, there seems little point in directing the would be RA pilot to this forum when so many pilots seem so unhappy and dissatisfied and that RA AUS is either corrupt or incompetent or in it's dying days.


    Anyway that is my opinion and I guess maybe I am in the minority, perhaps this forum is not the right place people like me.





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  5. I think it is up to all pilots and instructors to within the rules and regs decide if a particular training procedure is worth it in a cost benefit sense. As I was taught, I always keep my hand on the throttle from the base turn onwards. Although I plan to reach the runway without adding power there are circumstances beyond the pilot's control. I do recall on final for a dusty strip suddenly realizing that there was a flock of dusty coloured sheep grazing on the strip


    I recorded this clip a few years ago whilst taking my Dad for a fly. The weather on this day seemed perfect however on late final the aircraft was suddenly upset by a freak gust of wind (from about the 40 second mark in this clip) This did require prompt application of power!




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  6. What got me into flying?


    Mid to late 60s - apollo program, living near Edinborough air base S.A. airshows The helicopter on skippy.


    70s Moved to a house within the circuit area at Parafield. Sitting on the porch watching Chris Sperou. Saving up for a joy flight.


    Late 70s Joined the Air Training Corp band and later joined RAAF as a musician. Lived on RAAF Base Richmond. Worked in band room next to the runway. Enjoyed watching Caribous landing on the grass strip metres from the band room. Twelve tears of extensive travel mainly in a C130 but also got to sit on the back ramp of a chinook whilst in flight.


    Late 80s - Decided it was ridiculous to love flying so much but not actually fly myself. Came across an article about the new and exciting Thruster TST, booked in for a trail flight and eventually got my cert. After a year or so priorities changed, started family, left RAAF, less income etc, decided I had been there and done that.


    2007 - my wife bought a trial instruction flight for christmas, I did consider this the be a one of flight but.......



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  7. Don PLEASE get over it - the vote was yes - the change is going through - and it is pointless to try and argue the toss now

    Kasper does your advice to Don to "get over it" because the vote was yes only apply to Don? As far as I can see Don is merely responding to assertions an allegations. Perhaps it is time for everyone to stop whinging and whining and to work towards improving our lot as MEMBERS who FLY.


    I understand that people who did not support the change are disappointed and suspicious but it is what it is. If the no case had been supported I would also say it is what it is now let's get on with it.


    After a lot of reflection I voted yes, now perhaps time will prove me to be wrong and if in a year's time RA AUS is in a worse position I will happily apologise for my vote.


    Now I do not know Don, we have never met, if I met him in the street I would not recognize him but I do applaud his willingness to come on this forum and put his view. Now perhaps Don is the Doctor Evil of aviation but that is not the impression I get, again if after a year I am proved wrong then I will publicly apologise.


    I have been a member since 1988 and I it still amazes me how far we have come, we used to do circuits at 800 ft and hope that we wouldn't caught because 500 ft was the legal limit.


    Flying excites me and is one of the major sources of happiness in my life but lately the politics is really bringing me down. Note - not so much the fact based discussions but rather the innuendo about motives as well as impression given that the organisation is corrupt or stupid.


    Anyway, I think I am just about done with this forum, might take a break for a while.



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  8. The last thing on Don's mind post change will be fixing the mistakes the members have discovered.

    Phil, how the hell do you know what is on Don's mind?


    Perhaps if you care so much about RA AUS you should actually join and then you could vote or even stand for election to the board.



    • Haha 2
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  9. As of last week ,I bit the bullet and redid my RAA certificate,,,as after all the slagging I have given RAA the flying bug is biteing tooo hard. So now am a certificate holder and aircraft owner again [GT500]

    Glad your back. Even will all the frustrations, rules and regs and RAAus politics in the end it is all about getting your ar$e in the air. That is all that counts.



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  10. Octave, i believe there is no relationship between the failed audits and the proposed vhanges. The failed audits can still happen

    Not saying that it can't happen but I am just wondering if the new system would be any worse than the old system and again I ask what bad things will or could happen if the yes vote is successful? This is a genuine question.



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  11. I would also like to publicly thank Don, it can't be easy. Oh and I am just about to fill in my proxy form and I am intending to vote yes, unless someone can convince me that something terrible will happen if the yes vote passes. I could change my mind if I could be convinced that the system that brought us failed audits is better than the proposed system.



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  12. All I want to know is what good/bad things could happen if I vote no and what good/bad things could happen if I vote yes?


    I am a member because I want to continue to FLY, although I do understand that this relies on people giving their time and effort to be board members something I do not have the time or skills for.


    I do not know whether Don is a good bloke working for our flying privileges or an evil man working only for his own evil purposes, but at least is here and communicating.


    I do find post #21 offensive, Phil as a non member you don't really get to demand the resignation of a board member of MY organisation.


    If you are concerned about the organization because you my want to fly in the future then why not join and even nominate for a board position, I am sure you have much to offer.


    By the way I am not really interested in the opinions of non members of RAAUS



  13. Thanks Octave - looks like fun.I wend down there last night but didn't hang around and didn't land on this occasion. The Cloud was starting to thicken and drop over the ranges and I got squeezed down more than I liked. Still above my LSALT, but would have certainly put me in the trees if the fan stopped. Additionally was becoming a bit concerned about remaining daylight also due to the cloud.

    I had a good look at the strip but had trouble gauging how steep it was. The information phone line does recommend a precautionary search. Not sure about wind a ground level, but it was a pretty strong at 2000ft. (I had had 45-60kn from the East) I think it would have been a down hill/ into wind or nothing.


    Decided to play it safe and came straight home via Anglesea where the cloud-to-hill gap was much bigger. Wye River looks pretty sad from the air.

    Good call BlurE, the second time I went there I decided not to land, it is a strip that I consider (for my level of skill at least) requires great care.



  14. Hi BlurE


    Here is my vid of landing and take off from Apollo Bay. Not sure if the following is helpful or not and please note I am not an instructor, but here are a few points.


    The runway at Apollo bay is sealed but quite narrow. On this day I landed downwind (4 to 5 knots) uphill. I personally would not be comfortable landing downhill.




  15. Just wondering if anyone has some recent information on Apollo Bay/Marengo YAPO?I assume anyone in the area would be on Peterborough CTAF 127.1

    Google earth makes it look like it has a reasonable gradient up away from the water. It this correct?


    I found the post below which as some good info. Any other tips appreciated.



    Hi BlurE, I landed there about 18 months ago. For information ring (03) 52329506 which is a recorded information service. The CTAF frequency is 126.7 (but do check this). Let me know if you have any questions, I do have some video somewhere of my landing which could be of interest to you.



  16. when this thread is 30 pages long you'll wonder why you thought it was going to change anything

    I don't particularly think it will change anything, but most posters, whatever their view post detailed and researched information, whereas you (and I may be missing the subtleties of your posts) seem to really "get off" on the problems of Jab owners.


    As I have already said, I have no direct stake in the CASA Jab controversy but I do have great sympathy for owners of Jab aircraft whereas you seem to enjoy their dilemma.


    Personally I do not want to see any of my fellow aviators flying activities restricted unless it is absolutely necessary. I have no idea if Jab engines fail at a greater rate than Rotax 2 strokes (perhaps they will be next on CASAs list).


    FT if you wish to contribute to this thread perhaps you could post technical information instead of your one liner jibes at your fellow aviators. I know it must be frustrating for you if you are unable to fly at the moment but please just try to get your point across without having a go at Jab owners or operators. (I say this as a life long Rotax guy)



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  17. I'm with Greybeard, there's never been a more exciting time to have an off field landing, maintain your agility by keeping a good landing site close by. Roll on the ideas boom...

    FT Perhaps I am misinterpreting your post but I can't understand why you seem to get off on the hardship of your fellow pilots who own Jab aircraft. For the record I do not own or fly a Jab, I have no particular interest in the CASA Jab situation, I do not fly anything at the moment that has a Jab engine although I do have 20 minutes up in a Jab which I enjoyed flying and would love to do again. The rest of my hours are flying behind a Rotax (504 in the 80s and a 912 since then) For the record I do not really know if Jab engines are the most dangerous aero engine or not and if CASAs actions are rational or justified. I do not have time to look deeply into to this because I AM BUSY ACTUALLY FLYING.


    If CASAs actions ARE justified, I have nothing but sympathy for my fellow pilots who own or fly a Jab.


    There are many fascinating posts in this thread from members who obviously have actual engineering and mechanical knowledge on both sides, however your posts seem to comprise only of pointless taunts.


    By the way Phil have finished restoring either of your 2 Titan Tornados and are you flying them?


    I really am open to all sides of this argument but I am getting sick of trollish type comments that add absolutely nothing of substance to the debate.



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  18. Well I'd just checked the number of anti CASA individuals, and on this thread they're down to about 9 out of 9,000

    I have never posted on this subject, does this put me in the 9000? How do you know if I am "anti CASA or not"?


    I also have not posted in support of Jabiru, this does not mean that I am anti jabiru. Pretty faulty logic.



  19. [GALLERY=media, 3684]Rsz_122 by octave posted Jan 14, 2016 at 8:27 PM[/GALLERY][GALLERY=media, 3681]4 by octave posted Jan 14, 2016 at 8:27 PM[/GALLERY][GALLERY=media, 3682]5 by octave posted Jan 14, 2016 at 8:27 PM[/GALLERY][GALLERY=media, 3683]8 by octave posted Jan 14, 2016 at 8:27 PM[/GALLERY]



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