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Posts posted by Aldo

  1. Here we go...........comparing rotax to jabs.............it's bullsh!tRotax..........near on $30k

    jab 2200...................$15k


    You cannot compare...........apples to oranges.........period.


    I'd bet me left jewel, if jab pumped out $30k engines.........they'd give rotax a run for their money. Please stop this "comparing" thing. ( perhaps i should complain to suzuki, that my $20k swift is inferior to my $70k subaru wrx, sti, and i want a refund )



    They do anyway and as you have said they are not as expensive, you just need to look after them correctly (like any engine)





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  2. The Wagners got really lucky yesterday, there was a big storm that came in yesterday and missed the airport by a few hundred metres and an hour after the 8F left. Imagine if it had hit when that 747 was landed.Everyone would have been "quickly put that plane in a hangar" and the Wagners would be "there are no hangars, apart from the one the we build for our beech air and it won't take a 747"









    How many spare hangers do you think are in Brisbane if the same storm hit there, you may not like Wagners (for whatever reason) but you need to compare apples with apples.





  3. Since I'm about to get a cross country endorsement I'm looking at options of letting people know where I am and where I was.What I would like is something that reports my position every 5-30 min and uploads it somewhere accessible for other people.


    So far I'm looking at getting either a cheap phone and using one of the tracking apps (I haven't looked at specifics yet, but there's plenty of them) or getting a dedicated device that does it.


    One thing that would be important for me is that it uploads my position as I go rather than based on a trigger (like sms or something) or upload at the end of activity (like most activity tacking apps do).


    There seems to be a lot of dedicated tracking devices on ebay, but most require you to trigger it before it reports back or there are dedicated fleet tracking services, which are a bit over the top for what I would need.


    Does anyone have any experience with anything like that?



    Why not do what most others do, file a flight plan, use Oz Runways, set a SAR time and carry an ELB. Unless you are going to the desert or choose to fly at 500 feet your entire trip Oz Runways will breadcrumb your track that others can see, the flight plan and SAR time will alert the authorities if you don't show up.





  4. Violation of Contraled Airspace ! Haven't you had one yet ? I had one years ago and it was the towers fault, once that was established and proved, no more letters ! No more VCA.



    I think that reply was probably for me and no in 28 years of flying I haven't received a violation of controlled airspace notice and there is no reason to think that I should in the future





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  5. Please do not do this otherwise you will end up with VCA notice from Airservices. Ozrunways almost never gets this right.



    I don't agree, I fly most days very close to Oakey RA Oz runways gets it right 99% of the time and Notams are just as accurate, what you find with Oz runways there is about 90 sec lag from going active and also from deactivating.


    If you find yourself inside a restricted area and it becomes active call centre or airways clearance delivery and let them know who you are, where you are, where you are going, what altitude you are maintaining and whether you are transponder equipped they will help you out. You won't end up with a please explain or VCA (whatever that stands for).





  6. I'm struggling to find a definitive answer;I am planning a flight near Western Post R323A/B.


    - The chart says refer to NOTAM for operational Hrs


    - The area briefing says there is no current NOTAM (but check the ERSA as it may not be activated by NOTAM.)


    ERSA says refer to NOTAM


    Getting dizzy. I would guess the default state is inactive - but I am not going to fly though on this assumption. Am I missing something?




    YMMM/R323B WESTERN PORT CONDITIONAL STATUS: RA2 FIRING LATERAL LIMITS: 38 28 55S 145 01 35E, 38 32 23S 144 41 41E then along the minor arc of a circle of 16.00NM radius centred on 38 28 55S 145 01 35E to 38 44 55S 145 02 00E 38 29 07S 145 02 00E, 38 28 55S 145 01 35E VERTICAL LIMITS: SFC - FL550 HOURS OF ACTIVITY: NOTAM CONTROLLING AUTHORITY: Navy HMAS Cerberus



    Call centre prior to entering the area and ask for the status of that restricted area.





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  7. I understood that Aldo. My comment was aimed at us the vfr pilots. Frank said we need to be aware of these things especially when visibility is limited. I agree but as rec pilots if visibility is limited then maybe we shouldn't be there. Stay home and go out when visibility is better.



    Sorry I didn't see the limited vis comment in Franks post.



  8. If visibility is limited maybe we shouldn't be there



    IFR is the flight rules under which the flight is conducted and can be completed in perfect conditions. What Frank is talking about is all charter & RPT is conducted under IFR so you need to have an understanding of what they are doing, their cruising levels, speeds etc.





  9. In a turn which is where most stall problems that bring you unstuck originate your safe speed is constantly changing .... Hands up who has ever been tested stalling in a turn. Nev

    Yes Nev was taught to me during training with particular emphasis on the outside (upper) wing stalling and recovery from incipient and full spins. Most recent was during my BFR earlier this year.





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  10. 40 degC without any problem in my Jab (230, 120 HP), whatever you fly you just need to monitor the engine temps and be aware that your take off and landing runs will be longer. Check what your P charts for your aircraft allows you to do as regards ambient temperature.





  11. Aldo each area is different and in all honesty the nav training does not have the time to cover it all in a way that comprehensively answers the details needed..



    Exactly which is why the training is supposed to cover how to read and interpret all the information on the charts/ERSA/AIP/NOTAMS/weather (in the format it is presented in) and anything else you need to conduct the flight safely for yourself/passengers and other aircraft.


    As a qualified cross country pilot you should be able to fly any area in Australia and understand the charts associated with that area because your certificate/licence allows you to do that, anything less than that you're not safe.





  12. Aldo , you are right of course and i do use my charts but in the Ra xc training you are with your instructor who helps you understand reading charts , but this is also a high stress time for students ,also when you have gained your xc you then need to do xc to get better understanding, i plan most of my xc trips and plan through the most easiest ways that are close to cta areas,and it has been said many time s here that we learn more about aviating the more we do,also i am not a 20 year old being close to 70 makes a little more time to learn and digest, with myself i know that the more i do things the better understanding i get the reason i asked the question was to get responses from pilots that use this area all the time ,i thank you all for your responses and will now go back to my studyingcheers gareth



    I wasn't having a go at you and I'm sorry if you have taken it this way (if you are 70 odd then I congratulate you for having the guts to have a go), it is the training that concerns me and I'm sorry as I know it is expensive to learn but people shouldn't be signed off unless they can do everything that is required.


    I also understand being inexperienced I remember doing a trip from Brisbane to Mt Isa (with about 90 hours total time in a 210 with 5 pax) back in the days of full reporting (the same as IFR these days) it took me a week to plan it, today it would take me no more than 20 minutes.


    The best way if you don't understand some of the things is to go and ask a very experienced instructor and I'm sure they will help you out, website forums are not generally the best way to get the right information.





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  13. Aldo each area is different and in all honesty the nav training does not have the time to cover it all in a way that comprehensively answers the details needed..You advice is great and the detail in your answer is fantastic....but we seriously need to encourage a culture where its better to ask and find the answers then get belittled for asking like you have just done to him... this is not in the interest of safety to do so...



    I'm sorry if you read it this way I wasn't trying to belittle Gareth more pointing out the training deficiencies we seem to have in RAA with regard to cross country navigation as well as putting in some information that I believe is relevant.


    I apologize to anyone if it comes across this way it wasn't the intent.





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  14. Does anyone know that on this weekend if Amberley is active and we can fly through and at what levels , been caught out once and dont want to be chastised again.cheers gareth



    The easiest way is to get your VTC or VNC out and learn how to use it (as should have been taught to you during training), don't fly more than 10 miles from your home airport until you know how to navigate and interpret the charts correctly, after you can do this and you are flying get on the radio and ask (also should have been taught to you during training).


    You can fly all of Amberly airspace (except for the control zone) not above 1500 feet any time, the CTA extends 10NM in an arc to the north, west, south and approx 7 miles to the east (when not active CTA reverts to CTAF but you need to watch the Brisbane CTA steps also on the charts as low as 4500 within the Amberly area), the next zone is at 20 NM and you are able to go to 4500 feet at all times, the last zone that is relevant to us is at 35 NM and you can go to 8500 at all times. There are danger zones through all of these areas and smart people monitor Amberly approach (when active 126.2) while inside these areas to build up a mental picture of what low jet traffic may be operating in the area. If you think someone may be operating close to you get on the radio and let approach know where you are and where you are going.


    All the above information is freely available on the VTC. You should be carrying all the appropriate charts (electronic or paper, if electronic 2 devices or a paper back up set) with you to conduct the flight safely without infringing restricted and control zones and know where you are at all times.


    I know this may sound a little harsh, but really, how do people get signed off for their nav training without being able to do this.





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  15. Aldo, I'm not mentioning LEVEL turns. It's a minimum energy loss manoeuver. Probably used to be called a "stall" turn because some of it is at below the normal stall speed. Bit of a misleading term as it doesn't HAVE to be. I'm not too keen putting this stuff up as some misunderstandings are inevitably going to occur. Nev



    I understand what you are saying





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  16. Aro


    I think you are missing the point being made by Contact, this is not about having an instructor/examiner sitting beside you having you complete a 180/360 degree turn maintaining +-50 feet this is about conserving and using energy to the optimum (if you continually try to do level turns at low level you will eventually end up nose first into the dirt).


    The point (I believe) that Contact is trying to make is that you can't stall an unloaded wing, if during the turn you allow the nose to fall away naturally (you will not end up in a spiral dive) once the turn is completed level the wings, at this point you will have max energy available, yes you will be in a shallow dive (but you will have airspeed and airspeed is your friend) you then commence pulling the nose back up to maintain level flight.


    Key points, start the turn from straight and level (I know croppies don't always do this and there are other situations where you can't always do this, e.g. Box canyon turns, 180 deg turns without loosing altitude and being on the reciprocal track) complete the turn nose down and wings level then regain straight and level flight.


    I'm no expert and you can take my opinions with a grain of salt, Dutch may have some comments about what I have said above and he has way more experience than me.





  17. It was about 4 months ago. According to ERSA it is Security Controlled.


    I was in Toowoomba today and asked the question Toowoomba hasn't been security controlled since about March this year (so I'm told). No ASIC required.





  18. Guy's/girls it's time to get over this, these are the rules we have to play by in this sand pit if you don't like it go play somewhere else, it doesn't matter whether you like it or not it's not going to change anytime soon.





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  19. I actually got asked for my ASIC at Toowoomba. A young lady who was escorting a fuel truck to fuel up the RFDS asked me for mine as I was walking from the gate back to my aircraft. Having had and used daily an MSIC since the day of there inception I was well aware of the rules of wearing or displaying your ASIC but in this case mine was in my pocket. When asked for my ASIC I said to the young lady if you had the authority to ask me for that then you would know that yours should be on display first. She promptly pulled hers out of her pocket as did I.I have no problem with ASIC being required at airports that have RPT. My problem is simply that I have an MSIC, it costs me $537.00 It used to be valid for 4 years, but is now only 2 years. Why then should I also need an ASIC. Why would one not suffice. We do after all go through the same AFP check to get them.



    That's interesting Toowoomba hasn't been security controlled for some time now how long ago did you get asked. I fly into there every day and don't have it displayed even though I have one in my bag.





  20. I recently passed my pilot certificate, with X-country and passenger endorsements and am now flying for fun



    One of the biggest problems is having the cash to be able to go and fly every week if you have the cash and the time then fly as often as you can, if you don't then when you can afford it be honest with yourself and decide if you are current and competent if not grab an instructor (or another pilot who is very current) and go with them for an hour as a refresher don't ever let pride get in the way and you will be well on your way to becoming a better pilot and a long living pilot.


    I've done 370+ hours in the last 12 months and if I didn't fly for the next month I would be a little rusty not necessarily unsafe or incompetent but not to the standard I set myself.


    Enjoy the journey that is flying.







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  21. Geoff


    I'm no mechanic and don't pretend to be one, if all the items you have described are due to be replaced in a top overhaul I would say you have got a pretty good result if there are items in there that are not supposed to be in a top then you have some other problem.





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