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Posts posted by flyerme

  1. went up this morning small x-country,wind was 6.6 knott est/sth/est,mild turbulance below 700ft but smooth above, head wind had me at 65kms ground speed at 50knt asi and tail wind had me at 107kms at 50 knot asi,but aproach was rough..really rough encounted a lot of sink and tail waggle but I felt confortable after all the good advice and the thruster is flying perfect..awesome feeling of accomplishment and building my "Bump Tolerence" slowly but surly...its a non event in the Supercat with its sensitive controls.....I fly that pretty much anytime of day.....



  2. H


    In a 3 axis aircraft you never really lose control. it has some natural stability and the wing will do things for you unless it is stalled and that has nothing to do with speed, only to do with angle of attack which YOU control with the joystick. Trust the plane and learn how to fly it in unusual attitudes Nev[/quotethanks Nev,I recently had some guests stay,Mark Reddin,he flies a 4 seat jabi all over Australia including tasy,he also flies mk1 and mk2 quicksilver. whilst talking he made a good point saying when your out all alone ,its hard to push yourself and hard to know (without exsperiance) how far to push,its easier having some one next to you exsperianced on type ,or even when its a lil single place ,would be nice to compare to another..so you tend to hold back somwhat..does that make sence?

  3. I haven't come across the horror stories yet, but there appear to be quite a number of BRS success stories. For instance:


    from my research Ive read both positive and negative about BRS, I read not long ago that a pilot said flying is more dangerous than riding a motorcycle?(he not jumping big enouh!!),also same pilot said he had to use his BRS twice in 2 different planes,and he swears by them.But then I read about some nasties , most common was ,chute opening by itself cousing death and serious injury,,also they are High maintance apperently..I can not comment on thenm as I only know what ive read,,but out of my price range,,I know what your thinking,"how much is your life worth" well about $8000 apperently. and then theirs the hight thing,what if you enjoy ploding along at 1000 ft,,the BRS is useless..



  4. Yes i agree with the above. I think BRS systems would make people feel better about the above issue. Or make them take more risks

    yeh i've often thought if I had a BRS fitted I wouldn't be so undomfortable, but after readng so many BRS horror stories ill take my chances without a chute.The uncomfort or unease I have is due to being a bit of a control freak and bumps have a feeling of momentary loss of control,, thats what I dont like



  5. That sounds like a particularly bad patch of weather..There have been so many good days in April and May this year (we always seem to be working on the good days though).

    In my few hours of flying i've found the best weather is early mornings especially after a frost or late afternoons and the safest weather seems to occur when there is a big high pressure system overhead.

    Yeh 3 out of those 4 bad days where first light and 1 was last light saturday was the first mourning in a month I managed a short xcountry flight in the thruster(the supercat handels No worries)manageged to leave at 7:15am fly a triangular circuit about 160kms ,mild turbulance(where exspected ) No nasties very enjoyable, but noticed out here at home strong turbulance as per ussual...

    Now I noticed Im lacking a story! so my worst encounter was in my thruster, I took off during summer 27 deg 10"30 am, and noted the ground run felt a lil different and as soon as the wheels left (still in ground effect) I hit strog turbulance(thermal) as I climbed to 150ft I dropped like a brick felt my bum lift off the seat , lost 100 ft instsntly then before I new it I was pushed into the seat as I rose from 50 ft up to 700 ft,then "BANG" the left wing was hit very hard and dropped to around 40 deg and plane sunk again and while still sinking another "BANG" on the right wing wwhish dropped to 60 deg nd continued a fast sinking slip.I had full power still and shoved the nose down as the ground coming close, as the right wing was still down I went in to a teep nose dive with shallow right bank ,Then without a thought I set 3500revs lined the paddock i was over and started my approach (only flying 50 ft) I then regained my thoughts and climbed back up to 500 turned and landed back at my strip..all this was in front of the wife whome NEVER watches me fly.she was not impressed? 2 days later I took off at first light and exactly the same..could not believe it..I now call that paddock the devils paddock as this was not to be the last encounter in this spot...


    Its a 400 acre burnt/stubble paddock backed to a herritage scrub with quarry. always has some wind devils run across it,..



  6. A few bumps are neither here nor there. I guess I have developed a level of tolerance. My tolerance has certainly increased with experience.There is a level over which, however, there has to be some good reason to keep flying, because it ceases to be relaxing and enjoyable.


    There's two kinds of bumps; Ones that are just up / down draughts that push you around, but don't jar your bones; They aren't bad. Then there's the kind that just hit all of a sudden, like "bang!" and you find yourself in a new attitude or hanging in the seat belt. These are the ones I dislike, but sometimes you just have to suck it up, unless it is becoming dangerous.

    That somes up where I'm at :Don't mind the up and down ,roll this way and that, but when I get hit by the "Bang" type I tend to head for the closest strip. But I always feel its beeter to be safe than. in the last week I have been up every day,4 out og 6 days I took off ,climbed to 500 turned 180 and landed,as I was hit by the "Bang type"(for those who've flown here ,you know it gets pretty lumpy here" .) it seems lately I can,t avoid it...



  7. AS a single seat Thruster owner I found myself back at the begining.


    Like a new licenced pilot/aircraft owner, back to getting up 2 hours before sun up,checking the wind sock and dragging the old girl out in the dark,then if the socks not moving and 15 mins before sun up ,,its time to fly...fly for a 1/2 or so and then ..whats that,,was that a bump? im outer here and pack up for the day...yep remember them days?


    so in a minimum single seat aircraft that was built back in the day .one must slowly built up "bump tolerence" again.


    hmm but how much wind can this thing really handle? do I want to push it? am I pushing it behond? all those questions..so my question is )as read recently in article in our mag,,do you avoide it?like some do even in HP aircraft,or Like me push it antill the ground looks very welcoming? nothing wrong with being afraid,it keeps you on your toes...now its almost sun up so time for a quick flight. oh hang on whats that?,I think I sore the wind sock move? better put her back in the shed....lol so lets here all your turbulant stories...



  8. I have 2 very different Tail draggers,the first my Thruster t83 single seat can NOT land 3 point..Because of the angle of attack being so high the plane in landing configuration stalls before the tail drops to 3 point so the mains ALWAYS touch first, So its always a wheeler landing plus it stops the well known thruster ground loop... Now my other plane Supercat is the oppersite,if you wheeler it in you are garenteed a hefty bounce,.but if you 3 point her in she fine,,So definatly it depends on plane.. And if flying or indourced in tail wheel you SHOULD be comperdent in both techniques. the goes for instructors too!!!! as i've seen at least 2 instuctors not 100% on the wheeler?



  9. Perfect conditions for flying at North Gabbin - trouble is I'm in the office working, 3.5 hours away. Not good weather for the farmers though - my mate Pol says it's 'as dry as a nun's', whatever that means. They could do with some rain before too long.Pud

    yeh its blowing sand for miles,at least 500 ft high and visability is less than a km...



  10. yes mate i often use your resource weather pagei also check airservices on my phone if not near home computer,,

    as for yr.no,,i only meant for local weather forecast etc for local forecast and rain etc ,it seems to be reasonably accurate,


    when it comes to flying i always use airservices or recreational aircraft weather resource page!

    yeh me too ,only ment for local flying, for cross country I make a few phone calls for an accurate autherised forcast over my flight path etc...but for 95% of my flying(as the thrusters a bit too minimum for real cross country)which is local I do and will always use windwilly..very accurate and just looking now at ww ,,tells me I better tie down the planes in the hanger as the wind will be 22knotts nw directly into my hanger(Ill put a door on 1 day!!lol)



  11. I use wind willy primarily, then confirm by visual inspection, check my 40 ft high windsock,observe cloud movment/speed,also check the trees for gusts,see if the cloths are moving on the line,then if all is good I ALWAYS do a flight check, which is a short circuit if rough or if feels good i'll continue flight,.have found windwilly to be 98% accurete only failing when it comes to rain.... Found Elders,accuweather,etc..very un predivtable but been very happy with windwilly been using over 12 months,wether is taken from local aerodromes.



  12. I thought I would ask NH. What is required in organisations like RA-Aus are people with:1. their client base/voter base close at heart (i.e. RA-Aus members);


    2. posess a large dose of pragmatic common sense;


    3. have very good people skills; and,


    4. be prepared to 'serve' their constituency in a fair and open manner.


    I have been on this forum now for about four years and when I look at my criteria list (above) the first person I though of was yourself. It's a pity that this is a bad time for you just now.

    so what about ones self 80k?would you be keen on holding a vote for the MEMBERS INTERESTS on the board? I too would have loved to see FH :please:on the board and to Ian,you would def have my vote.

    keep it Recreational..Just my lil 2c,



  13. ...and some people are still hunting them 003_cheezy_grin.gif.c5a94fc2937f61b556d8146a1bc97ef8.gif.Seriously though, I think Facthunter speaks an awful lot of sense and perhaps FH, would you be interested in contributing to the RA-Aus cause by running as a potential Board member. 012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif


    I would also like to see Ian re-elected. 012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif

    u got my vote Nev



    • Like 1
  14. thanks winsor68, you get the POINT,,, I say again and louder.."RECREATIONAL" not for business purposes .thats what G.A is for..we are a mebership of hobby/sport flyers... lets keep it a hobby/and sport " I still remember the days(although a youngen)of the original 95-10 .keep it under 300ft,no licence required,,keep away from population and go have fun,youre the only one in there and only possing risk on your self




    before commenting yes I understand it had to be change for saftety ,


    I have found many raa members including CFI's not happy with the direction we are heading and have also witnessed a number of member not renewing membership..I see more and more ordets that seem undeserved, finding nothing and causing some CFI's to become upset and frustrated . all due to the direction in which we are heading...Just wanna fly...



    • Like 2
  15. Sorry don't understand,"flying for business" don't you need a comercial pilot licence for that? this is ment to be RECREATIONAL, you know..FUN.!!!!!!!.stick your political Bureaucracy , up ya.......I just wanna fly... and amalgamate with CASA..No thanks,I don't like dictation,.....thats where itll end up,can't see CASA sticking with our regs..



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  16. I think that it also boils down to "Who" (members) are prepared to contribute to the mag and write some articles.Just my two cents worth.


    yeh agree we may be getting slack,I may have to write somthing



    • Agree 1
  17. MOV5D8_0001.jpg.ca92e5a57c062e89c138dcbff104453e.jpg yeh I found a bit light on interesting articles,and I didn't take long to throw in the draw.. I think they should stick to raa planes on the cover,could have got a nice shot of a line up of raa reg craft at natfly. like a pic of my fellow 95:10 fellers.,.
  18. She's alright, I'd fly it if the wing struts were welded on instead of G-clamped, the wings were covered and the balance was checked. The motor is not that important, lots of gliders don't even come with a motor...

    wing strutts clamped? i'd be more concern about the once galv water pipe tubing spars..lol suprised there holding the neg g's on the ground..lol



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