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David Isaac

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Posts posted by David Isaac

  1. I will be there soon mate by the looks.Cheers

    Hey Don, You watch out for that Dazza fella ... you know what they say about plumbers ... :tuschel::pound:. Sorry Dazz couldn't resist.

    Hey Declan ... get your Irish butt over here and we on this great site will look after you.


    Let us know when you get your visa and where you are going and we will be able to touch base.


    Just remember theaussieaviator.net is the place for all aircraft pilots.



  2. David... I have not seen or heard any vitriol online about the whole situation elsewhere. Just don't want you feeling paranoid... Stay cool and I agree with Glenn...

    Thanks Don,I appreciate you letting me know what is going on elsewhere since I can only know when informed by others. I don't want to go down the paranoid road. Yep thanks to Michaels rational view I am going to let it lay.

    Hows the married man these days?



  3. Hello guys, I fully sympathise with you but would strongly recommend that it is best to just walk away and don't give it another thought. ............Anyway, welcome aboard and I would agree with the owners of the website to use private messages between each other rather than pollute this website which for the past many years has been excellently run and to the best of my knowledge never moderated, let's try and keep it that way and make it a joy for everybody that is already here.

    Spread the word that TheAussieAviator.net is the place to visit !

    Thank you Michael for refreshing rational advice. I agree with you and will take your advice.
  4. Guys would much prefer it if this thread could cease, but I believe in free speech. Please pass any or all info on to each other via email or pm, thank you

    Thanks Glenn; this is a dilemma for me in that I do not wish to be vitriolic in my reactions to what has happened across the road, but I genuinely wrestle with what is appropriate to say and what is not and whether or not I have a moral obligation to warn my fellow forumites and friends in RAA or whether I should maintain silence and let them all find out the hard way.These forums are the only way that we can reach the masses in aviation to freely discuss these issues. I realise that as a forum owner this may at times cause you to consider whether something should continue or be shut down. These are our comments and you cannot in any way be held responsible for them as long as they are objective, state the facts as perceived and not vitriolic.


    What is happening as we speak is that the owner of the other place maintains a public vitriolic attack on Don Ramsey and myself on his site and we have no right of reply.


    We simply wanted to put forward to our friends what really happened as a warning to everyone about who they are dealing with. There is a consistent thread of inappropriate behaviour over several years with this fellow.


    Thanks so much for allowing us to say what we have.


    If anyone wants a copy of my last post on RF PM me and I will consider sending it to you only in the interests of protecting any further offense by our 'friend'.





  5. Hey David, do you have a copy of your final post on the other forum, and can we see it? If you're not comfortable posting it publicly again, will you email it to me please?I notice that CFI's last words over there disappeared fairly smartly too.

    Yes CFI posted about how disgraceful the state of affairs were and his post was removed within seconds.

    I do ... have a copy of my post


    Glenn or Mods,


    I have a copy of my last post on RF. Would it breach any copyright laws if I post it here?


    It is a post containing Ian's comments with my comments against each of his statements.



  6. Thanks for sharing Glenn. Took some courage to do that and well done. Have no fear of this person threatening to sue (which knowing him he will). The letter is one that is public knowledge so there is nothing he (or his entourage) can do. Not to yourself, not to anybody distributing the letter.I must say, reading it, I'm not the slightest surprised. Finally this persons true colours came through but this time in a public place infront of many people. .......

    I know this event took place, I was at Temora and Ian told me he had told this bloke to "PiXX off". Whilst Ian legally has the right to not serve who he chooses, rudeness is so unnecessary and only damages his own credibility. Any argument that Ian’s refusal to provide the parts was a safety issue is not valid, it was their choice to fly or not, or seek parts elsewhere. The real issue is whether his behaviour was appropriate.


    At that time I was one of the people who were Ian’s greatest supporters ... that all ended on the morning of Sunday October 9 when along with Don Ramsay, our newly elected RA Aus Board member for NSW/ACT, I was deleted from his Rec Flying site and every post and PM that I had ever put up over more than two years. Don and I were two of the most regular posters on his site and were generally well received.


    We were outspoken on issues that we believed were important to the members. Ian's posts became increasingly aggressive towards the new Board of which he was a major proponent who had only just been elected. By Saturday night 8th of October I had lost tolerance of what appeared irrational post by him and posted a reply on the thread on the new RAA Board meeting. My reply was measured, professional and in no way vitriolic, but it held him accountable for his statements. My post did not break any site rules, it simply challenged him. On the Sunday morning, my post along with the whole thread was deleted and the Rec Flying site pulled off the air while he deleted everything involving Don and myself.


    He then started a thread "Politics and this Site" and accused Don Ramsay and I (by name) of causing all the politicking on his site and made misleading representations about our involvement.


    Most of the masses are smart (I hope) and would see through all that.


    What is amazing is that the man campaigned for openness and transparency at the RA Aus Board level accusing the Board of secrecy and yet operates his site in the most closed and censored manner, immediately removing any post that he does not agree with. He invited me into his home; he regularly called me and asked me for guidance on issues, he asked me to be a part of his management team and specifically to be his political adviser. He never emailed me on any sensitive issue, the communication was always a PM or phone call, all such records have been deleted. This is a deeply disturbing event from my perspective. Many of us supported him financially and morally and in this instance I was deleted with no warning, no phone call and no correspondence.


    The difference here is that Ian is free to come on this site and free to reply to my allegations, unlike his site where he denied me any right of reply and completely controls the content.





  7. Welcome Declan, The economy is not the best here either at the moment.

    Oh Dazza ... come on, don't be a Pooh Bah ... we don't want to scare the Irish lad off do we ... The Irish are the good guys ... it those damn Brits you have to worry about ... ROFL



  8. Welcome Declan,


    This is a large Country, the largest island continent in the world, similar land mass to the USA. It takes me 23 hours non stop driving from my home on the Central Coast of NSW to my son's home in Port Lincoln in South Australia, 12 hours to drive form my home North to Brisbane and similar time South to Melbourne. Does that give you some idea?


    What State or area do you plan to live in and we can start from there. There is virtually no weather west of the great divide on the East Coast of Australia, almost always flying conditions, but you have to like the dry and the heat.



  9. .....David

    He is up here with me so stop trying to take my friends away, get your own:tongue:


    When Todd was training in the Gyros I went for a fly with his FI. They sure are a fun machine. The one he was in was a MT Sports I think and a vast improvement on the early ones of a few years back. Very maneuverable. Maybe todd will tell us a bit about them.

    Yeah but Todd he cant do stall turns and loops and spins in the Hornet .... ha ha , but I can ... not in the Hornet of course , in the Citabria LOL.


    Where abouts did you fly the Gyros?



  10. Hey mate welcome on board amongst the good guys.. Where do you live most .. what airfield are you near because if you are hanging around anywhere near me when I am flying we could go for a spin or loop or stall turn or two ...



  11. Yep, lotta singing going on, not in real good tune though. There is a bit of subtle discord, but they have to be careful or the conductor will kick them out of the choir.


    Hopefully a few more will wake up, smell the roses and come and say hello.


    BTW where is that damn rat with gold tooth, someone should tell him to get his butt over here.



  12. ...... you'll no doubt hear from the rest of the reprobates shortly.

    Speak for yourself Spin merchant I aint no reprobate, I am the Jewish Kid from Mt Sinai, but Mount Sinai has been removed ... LOL

    Hello Turbo ya old bugga


    Why don't we collectively contribute some good aviation stuff to this site guys.



  13. Hi mate,


    Welcome to the site we all first lurked in LOL


    You will have to stick around with the rest of us, at least you don't have to be concerned that you are walking on egg shells here.


    But you better watch out for me and Don because we will obviously use this site for our own political gain 022_wink.gif.2137519eeebfc3acb3315da062b6b1c1.gif... whoops, you might get blamed for that when we run the by-election for NSW, but I am sure you will be allowed to say that on here ...won't he Glenn???



  14. Hey Boof head ... LOL you made it. Welcome to the place of rational thought ... LOL.


    Great report from Ole on your new Hornet mate, we better start a Hornet thread on here and get some interest going in a damn good aircraft.



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