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Posts posted by Herm

  1. Welcome Malk. Do you still fly the Pup? Good to get some more locals on here. Hope the weather is good for you Compulsion. I will be at Gawler after lunch getting my Jabiru signed off. Just finished building it and tomorrow is the day I find out what sort of job I have done on it....



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  2. Welcome! I would love to be flying around your part of the world. Was high up in the arctic circle last year. Loved the cold and the views were out of this world. Not to mention the aurora that I went thier to see. I am sure you have the same sort of thing where you are located... Took some nice pictures and placed them on my Astro Web Site









  3. I too use my phone for pairing the 3G network and have a GPS receiver on the dash that talks to the IPad. That way I did not have to spend extra money on the 3G iPad. I also did not need another phone sim or connection. I just use the one on the phone...







  4. It gets me that we all strap ourselves into a single engine aircraft and risk our lives. What if the engine fails or runs out of power (fuel leaks out). Hmmmm that's it! I am going to buy a twin with two fuel tanks, two batts and I think it needs to be a biplane so I have an extra wing. I guess it's each to thier own.. Just fly safe and make sure you have a backup plan no matter what your choice of navigation options. It seems that the electronic option does conform if it uses current Air Services Data. However that subject is also met will opinions of all sorts. Ask 3 CASA reps the question and you will get 5 diff answers.


    All good stuff





  5. Frank, I have also been watching this technology closely, and I feel a nav/gps upgrade will soon be in order for my aircraft.As with all techy stuff, things are, and do change often, and one must pick the right time to'jump in' and spend the dough !....for hopefully at least five years of suitable in-flight service.

    I have friends at the moment using new systems, and aps, on a flight around Australia in a Savannah, and I look foward to see how it all works out for them.


    As far as Herms' comment that everybody was using it at Natfly, well that's simply not true. I for one did the trip there and back, on my old trusty standard GPS with paper-map backup, with no dramas as usual.


    My current basic set-up, (which was high-tech 5-10 years ago) has served me well and faultlessly for many years now, including at least two trips Townsville-Temora and return. It has never let me down, and I trust it emphatically over all types of (often remote) country. I like systems that are simple and easy to use in the cockpit, so I get to spend more time looking out the window at the view !...


    Although I didn't get a chance to attend Bas Schiffers' forums on Oz runways (standing room only) at Natfly, I did enjoy an evening dining with him and others at a local resturant, and I believe his system and aps are top notch, and cutting edge. I continue to watch developements closely, for the right time to 'jump in' on some new stuff myself...........................................................................................Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif

    My comments were to enable thought. Anything new is met in this manner. When electric guitars came out they were evil and would never replace acoustics. Now we see full glass panels in planes that the old flyers would roll over if the tried to use one... It's just change and allows for more flying time in the aircraft. Less busy and that makes it safer... Please read my comment again as what I said was not untrue.. I did not state that everybody was using OZ Runways? That would be a silly statement LOL


    Love this stuff,,,, it gets people looking and talking and things then improve.....Progress





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  6. OZ runways is fantastic and a local Australian product. At the last Natfly just about everyone was using it. I have it on my IPhone and my iPad in flight. You will hear all sorts of comments about electronic and batts failing and letting you down. Hmmmmm If you left your flight bag at the hotel you would not have paper maps would you? You only have one battery in your plane and has that failed you. In fact you only have a single power supply in you aircraft. If we had a polar magnetic switch that has happened before you compass would be wrong.... Etc etc... Oz runways is a great flight system and I would use it all the time. I still carry maps and still have my panel GPS. Now days we have electric assistance on phones, iPads, GPS and watches.. And also on paper... Did we ever use symbols on stone? Forget that one it will mess up you MTOW. LOL.. Don,t forget that when you have a out landing you will know you location in long and lat as GPS co odds... Your maps won't give you that when you radio your location..


    Every bit worth the money...





    • Like 1
  7. My wife is not interested at all. In fact she gets sick of me even talking about it. Well I do talk about it lots so I do understand. Not to paint a bad picture of my Wife as she is the best part of my life. I would love it if she flew with me, but at this stage she has never seen my plane. I have only had it for six weeks and I am sure She will. Oh bugger She's just come into the room and looked over my shoulder... She started saying things about being my personal slave.... Anyway She did go in my trike and had a good time, but has never been since. I have been building a Jab that I finished this weekend Yaaay! But she is yet to see this... Each to thier own! I am still happy that she has supported me in owning my own plane as I would hate to have to make a choice LOL



    • Like 1
  8. Can anyone tell me what the story is with learning on the 170 at Gawler? Do they fly on weekends? How hard is it to get a booking? Any help appreciated.

    Hi Compulsion... Yep they train on Sat and Wed. They have a online booking system that you can use once you are a member. Being winter the bookings have not been as active as they are in the warmer months, so now seems to be a good time to do training.. I would give the club a call for mor up to date info...





  9. you can have weather radar on OzRunways as well. More important is tha Ozrunways is a locally produced product. The owner of the Business flys at my airfield. You will always get good support and it seems Ozrunways is near industry standard... Thats it from my view... I love the product





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  10. I have a good relationship with the three who own the hangar. If they felt the rates need to go up, they would put that to me. No the extra plane needed to go somewhere and so my hangar was picked. I have since been informed it has a new home (thank Christ). I would buy a hangar tomorrow but Gawler airstrip may not be around in a few years, greedy developers can make zillions out of all that land. I would need a written guarantee the airstrip will be there for another ten years.

    Dont worry about the airfield and buy a hangar whilst you still can. Nothing has changed at Gawler an its not going anywhere IMO. Nothing is any different now than before the Council took control. If it was safer in the past, how did the current change ever take place. I dint think we have any greater risk than most other recreation airfields in Australia. I think your at more risk relying on a rental space. In the time I have had my hangar I have got my money back in rentals during the period that the airfield has been re-built... Just food for thought I guess. you have to do whats best for you. Glad things have worked out for you!







  11. [ATTACH=full]18035[/ATTACH]Mardy


    This is a pic of the pocket I was referring to. The others discussed sound better, but for what it is worth here is the picture. Cost only a couple of dollars [can't remember exactly] Simple but useful.



    Thanks Frank. I will be looking at Bunnings for sure.. I need them for on the doors as I dont have all the nice room you have in your 230. lucky bugger...



  12. Good work Enoch. Great feeling getting your paper to fly and your own set of wings.. Looks pretty nice and I love the in flight variable flexi prop! will help to get clear of the long grass on takeoff 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


    I had problems with the Bank also.. Took a month to get the loan funds due to one mess up after the other... Gone are the days you get good service I'm afraid. Service is more like winning somthing. I get all happy when on the odd dealing whe I get it... How mad is that?


    Just about to get my plane up and running after its sign off in the next week or two... It's better than a promise from your wife on your Birthday 114_ban_me_please.gif.0d7635a5d304fa7bdaef6367a02d1a75.gif





  13. Well not all on my own however.. With the help of a few others like my Father (Guernsey) a good friend Mark, and my Brother in Law the Parts Maker (KJfab).



    For those that have undertaken a task like this will understand the amount of work it takes and how it is easy to under estimate the task.. I am yet to do the engine start up as I need to do the weights over the weekend. Then the final polish and application of the decals.. Call up Wayne Johns for a check and test, and if all goes to plan she will be taking to the air..



    Though I would post a couple of pics of how the inside turned out.. Last time I posted I was getting over whelmed with the wiring side of things. Seemed like I would not get it all sorted.. Very happy now and can't wait to start her up..




    Mardy 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif







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  14. Go for the Airborne combo. It works really well and is low noise. Airborne has spent years looking for a good radio combo and this is a good one. I have nothing to do with airborne, but have been making antenna systems for trikes for years. The Vertex is a great radio, but then you need to match a good intercom to it. This is where the fun begins..


    Hope I have been some help





  15. Hi MardyWhats this leaving trikes and going to fixed wing good on yu you'll enjoy buzzing around in the Jaby you can fly up here and land at my own strip (400 mtrs) if you want to

    If you wondering who I am I'm Peter W brother



    LOL... Hi Robert.. I got a funny feeling that Pete might be doing the same thing when he gets back... Just getting too old for the cold... I am not far away from being built, its only the rain thats holding me back as I need to do a little painting and its tooo cold and damp... I said to Peter I needed an aircraft with a heater and a cup holder... Just need to put in the heater... We will come up to your strip for sure as soon as I have done my 25 hours at 24nm from the strip thing... Good to here from you..







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