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Posts posted by boleropilot

  1. speaking of engines - apparently there are a lot of trikes in Europe fitted with 582s (and other 2 stroke motors) - because new eco regulations are making things 'difficult', many changes are in the wind


    for example, Ferrari have just changed from V10 and V12 motors (something they said they would never do) to turbocharged V8s - why? because the big multi-piston engines are not as 'clean' as the turbo V8, and Ferrari want to keep selling cars in Europe!


    as such, many trike and 582 owners have been looking for 4 stroke motors - apparently one of the best options is the BMW flat twin motorcycle engines - already there is one manufacturer of kits for replacing a 582 with a boxer motor - there are plenty of motors available from wrecked bikes in Europe (and Oz)11.jpg.93c5944e7e93921d4bf1b15feda9c6f6.jpg







  2. hey Terry, the missus and I saw the rocky horror show at the Qld performing arts centre - what a hoot! who wooda thunk that Craig MacLachlan (the guy that plays the doctor in the ozzy crime show Dr. Blake Mysteries) could pull that one off..


    he had the whole audience in stitches, I had a sore face at the end from laughing so much - the best rendition of that fabulous classic, IMHO - we were singing the songs out loud for weeks


    you'd never know when one of us would say "it's just a jump to the left" and we'd be off again into rocky horror antics - so much fun


    come up to the lab - and see what's on the slab - I see you shiver - with antici.....................



    hey guys/gals, if you haven't been to live theatre for a while (or you're old hands) you gotta see this show - on in Sydney NOW (until the end of May) and going on to Melbourne I think?


    book a nice hotel close to the show and make a real night of it, you might even find a bed/dinner/show tickets deal - get some mates together, do this, and you will thank me forever - don't miss it !!!!!!!!!!


    spread the word!!!





  3. there's a gliding club in Canberra so maybe go up for a flight in something with a 15 meter wingspan and no noise. 014_spot_on.gif.1f3bdf64e5eb969e67a583c9d350cd1f.gif


    TezzaP, Today at 9:17 AM


    hey Tezza, sometimes Drifters go real quiet too - the only sound that can be heard is incessant swearing from the pilot's seat....


    but hey Kay, take Tezza's advice and go for a fly in a glider - they're almost as much fun as a Drifter!!!





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  4. wow, looks like I stumbled across your post before anyone else, so I'm the first to welcome you - there'll be many more !


    by now you'll know that us aviators are a very amicable lot, probably because we are constantly thrilled by experiencing what mere ground-based mortals can only dream of...


    tell us all about your Jabiru flight, and don't leave anything out - we all love to hear from people who are just starting out in recreational flying (even if just as a passenger)


    be warned though - the bug can bite hard, and you can easily develop into one of those who are constantly hanging around the flying club and asking "anyone need some company on a flight?"


    here's the thing - no matter what, you'll always be welcome - keep in touch, and once again, welcome, and have fun!




    PS Jabs are nice, but Drifters......now that's the way to fly - Google up: Ant's Airplanes / Drifter there you will se my lil' baby 0455, and a bearded bloke in a red helmet - that's MOI !!!


    if you want more info on flight simulators, just ask....



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  5. g'day youse mob - seems about a decade since I was here last...


    my WB582 Drifter is currently getting some TLC in Boonah, 'new' motor (blue head 582, 500 hours from new) new u/carriage legs, etc. etc.


    when she flies again I hope to have some nice smooth grass on my 'radio control aircraft' flying area, in the final stages of construction


    it's 200m long - approach from the south looks ok, from the north it will be approaching from the north-west and a little right turn (about 135 degrees) on late final


    I'm retiring on 16th October this year so I'm looking forward to doing some local flying - still gotta find some dollars for the shed, until then 0455 will stay in Boonah


    I've been in/out of The Scary Place (part owned by Ian Walker of flying Tigers fame) and I reckon Woolooman International Paddock will be a doddle compared to that!!!


    I'll get some pix moved from my 'phone to the computer and post a couple - apart from that, feel free to fly over to have a peek...







    • Like 1
  6. G'day Emah, I always flew a standard paraglider, from what I've seen of the powered variety they don't fill me with a great deal of interest - certainly nice to be able to climb to height and then glide on, but they're heavy, noisy and you need a backup crew + ute/trailer if you're going x-country


    I'd be very careful about a second hand 'glider from eBay - the condition of the lines and the cloth are very important - if you have knowledge of a canopy owned by someone that you can verify is honest, I'd still get the canopy appraised by a registered dealer, checking for wear, damage and value - you may find that spending a little more will get you a new canopy


    Obviously you will be buying a DHV1 canopy for starters, make sure it is and not a 1.5 or 2 - you really need the 'gentle' characteristics of a 1 until you have got a goodly amount of hours under your belt - I always flew a 1 (Gin Bolero - hence my moniker) and I was once flying alongside a 2 when we hit rough air - my Bolero didn't even flinch, the guy in the 2 had his hands full trying to recover from three giant tucks, one after another.....yowsa! He told me later he nearly threw his 'chute, and was gobsmacked to look up to check on me, and then see the amount of height he'd lost


    Manilla is nice, last time I was there Mount Borah had plenty of launches, but not all that much height (compared to Beechmont or Tambo) - nice short little flights to the bottom are fine for training, and if you get radio instruction from the ground the instructor may be able to talk you into a thermal - woohoo!!!


    If there's one thing I can stress as vitally important it's to practice practice practice your ground-handling - I didn't, and many times I was left on the hill on fabulous flying days because I couldn't launch in gusty conditions - it's also the reason why I ended up stuffing up a take-off and breaking my leg...(doh)


    Any info I can help with, please ask, happy to help







  7. Hi Laurie,That would be amazing to come along and check out the paragliding side of things. I have only had one flight in a paraglider before, but am very keen to get my licence. Apparently Manilla is the place to go for a week or so, and be able to return with a licence.

    Where do you go paragliding in Vic? I just arrived from NSW the other day, so would be keen to plan a catch up, with yourself, Geoff, and Dad, for a day of flying. :rotary:



    g'day Emah, boleropilot here, drifter Driver from Boonah - prior to joining the ranks of the chosen I flew paragliders for a couple of years


    Wonderful flying thingos they are, I'd go back to flying them again if the Financial Controller would let me...


    Cheers for now





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  8. there's not much more that can be said that hasn't already been mentioned - i am so devastated by the loss of this lovely bloke that i am really lost for words, but i'll try


    firstly, to Wayne's family - you may never know exactly what immense impact Wayne had on the ultralight community, but i guess by now you will be getting some idea


    an absolute legend - humble, talented, perhaps a little eccentric??? but such a nice bloke, and his talent and demeanour will be sadly missed


    he had the tail off my Drifter in what seemed a few minutes, made a decision instantly about what was required to resolve the problem, and fabricated a second tailboom brace (and fitted it) in no time at all


    then he said "one wing is lower than the other - OK, left gear strut is bent" - 5 minutes late the wheel and strut was off and in the hydraulic press, straightened and back on the aircraft in a flash


    "hey, some of these rivets are not stainless steel, they're aluminium - not good enough" - and the drill was out, rivets removed, and new ones in in the blink of an eye


    and when i got the bill (finally) i could not believe he had done such magnificent work and charged me such a paltry figure - Wow...


    i spoke to him only a couple of weeks ago about a radio control Drifter - we talked for quite a while and i actually felt big-headed that as a RC Drifter flyer, i could give the great man some advice about an aviation subject


    i will be there for the memorial on Friday, unfortunately via car due the the inclement weather


    i would imagine that all Drifter/Fisher afficionados (not to mention all the other Wayne Fisher fans) will get together, on a perfect flying day in the near future, the mother of all Drifter/Fisher fly-ins to pay tribute to the great man


    RIP Wayne, and again, heartfelt condolences to his family - a true treasure lost to the ultralight community, who will never be forgotten





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  9. well ya know i hate to be down on someone who stuffs up his first solo (considering what happened to mine- tis how i got the nickname Cropduster Dave) - but...


    man was he short - and no flaps, surely he would have had the basic downwind and base leg checks imprinted firmly in his mind, i was taught BUFFEL - brakes, undercarriage, flaps, fuel, engine, lookout


    now, i do understand also the drama associated with first solo - but it's a LOT worse in a Drifter


    first, the takeoff is SO much quicker without the instructor in the back seat - so the rudder pedal reactions have to be spot on (mine were not on my first attempt)


    then, at the end of the downwind leg, when you pull the throttle to idle (glide approaches are normally taught in Drifters) the aircraft feels like it just hit a brick wall and you'd better get that stick forward FAST


    looking at the video, it seems to me the aircraft is travelling at a reasonable descent just before impact, but then it drops like a rock


    i doubt he would have chopped the throttle so far from the displaced threshold, so i reckon he stalled - if the Volvo hadn't been there to "soften" his landing, i reckon he would have hit HARD - a LONG way from where he should have touched down


    my instructor made it very clear to me before my second attempt - if you stuff up the approach, don't p#ss about, hit the throttle and go around - and that goes for EVERY approach until you're comfortable with your situation


    as i said, sorry to be down on an aviator, but personally i think it's not a great loss for the the aviation fraternity to lose this bloke from our ranks


    or - maybe his instructor should have been a little more cautious about the skills of his student before releasing him for solo - seems to me he wasn't quite ready.....







  10. did i mis-spell that??


    hey alla youse Drifter Drivers - 18th November this year is the 5th anniversary of Cropduster Dave (also known as Boleropilot or Tonxy) going solo in a Drifter at Clifton


    as such i have arranged with the grey haired (what hair he has left) Trevor Bange for me and my lil Drifter to drop in for a celebration


    btw, Trevor did have a lot of lovely dark hair before i did my training - not sure what happened there...


    anyway, the Lone Eagle Flying Club has agreed to put on a BBQ for any and all Drifter/Fisher flyers to drop in on the day to help celibate this momentous occasion (prices TBA)


    please let me know asap if you would like to attend, non-Drifter aircraft will (as usual) be given temporary Drifter status on the day - how good is that????


    hoping to see lots of aircraft at Clifton on the day,


    cheers for now





  11. g'day guys


    hey Tex, sorry to miss out on the red rocket, maybe i should concentrate on giving my lil WB the reconditioning she deserves...


    Yoda in a WB582 hey? another hangie converting to Drifters???


    re. the 18th November, it is definately ON at Bange's Airfield, Clifton


    the Lone Eagle Flying Club is putting on a BBQ on the day and i am hoping for a big turnout of Drifters and Fishers (and anyone else who'd like to drop in)


    i will need to let Trev know about numbers attending, so please let me know if you're planning on coming along


    hey Dave, you should see the two new RC acft i'm building - a huge Zlin (low wing) and a 1.9m wingspan Piper Cub - noice!!!


    and m8, does the 582 use the same gearbox as a 503? if so give me a yell, i've got a complete blue top 582 (out of hours) with gearbox in a box here


    cheers for now, hoping to see ya's all at Clifton on 18th November





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  12. hey Tex (and others)


    not sure what i am going to do with my lil WB, needs a lot of work inc. new motor, skins and wires - airframe is now 3,500 hours so i am seriously thinking about selling and even more seriously thinking about Tex's beautiful SB


    trouble is, i would need to sell my WB beforehand, otherwise i would be paying double hangarage (i'm rich, but i aint that rich)


    on another note, i have given up trying to organise a Drifter Fly-in at Boonah - weather rotten 3 years in a row !!!!!!


    so to fool Huey, i thought i would quietly mention that i am hoping to fly to an airfield on the Darling Downs on the 5th anniversary of my solo - 18th November 2012


    twood be absolutely wonderful if any other Drifter pilots out there would consider meeting me there - we should be able to arrange a bbq lunch, but no plans yet, just ideas


    any takers?





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  13. Four cylinders is better than Two for vibration. The HKS being a fairly small capacity engine is OK that way, but big pistons mean it can be a thumper. Nev

    yeh Nev get your point - found this, useful info concerning this thread




    btw, i think the Drifter would not have the same cooling problems with the bm motor that the Huntwing had, the motor position in the Drifter has much better airflow


    and i did see a video of a trike with a bm motor doing a flyby - sounded wonderful !!!





  14. What's the horsepower rating for those Beemer engines?

    about 80 i think, but there are options for limiting this i believe via carb restrictors etc


    although if a supa Drifter can take a 912 OK, the 80 from the BMW should be OK ?


    btw i did ask Wayne Fisher what he thought about the BM motor and he said that in his opinion the 912 was a better option


    have a look at




    cheers for now





  15. apparently BMW flat twin motors are gaining popularity in Europe, mainly for trikes and due to ongoing legislation problems for two strokes


    i've done a little surfing and have seen some magic installs, one of these lil babies would go well in a Drifter i reckon





  16. yeah the dawn patrols are just brilliant


    missed on the one the guys did this weekend but went along for the ride last time


    three of us, one above one below, then two below, then two to the left, then one behind and the other one...


    where the hell is he, oh good there he is, man what a hoot


    45 minutes of tooling around in s m o o t h (but cold) air, it is the most fun you can have with your pants on


    definately gonna take my camera next time becoz the lil babies just about fly themselves in that molasses air


    cheers for now





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  17. not sure if this thread is still being monitored, i'll post something else on the main forum anyway


    2011 event has been brought forward to avoid the problems of the last two years, this year it's sunday 17th July (only six sleeps away now)


    fingers crossed for good weather guys, if ya caint get there in a hairyplane, drive (or hitchhike!!!)


    looking forward to seeing any and alla youse guys there







  18. ah c'mon Frank, it's only a couple of thousand klicks from your place:rofl:


    if you leave now, you might just make it in time......008_roflmao.gif.692a1fa1bc264885482c2a384583e343.gif


    cheers m8, sorry we won't see ya on the day:crying:





  19. hey guys and gals, it's on again


    date this year is a little earlier than usual, last two events blown out with wild wind etc


    this year = Sunday 17th July, turn up in anything that flies, drive, hitchhike, or walk, but be there or be square...


    hoping for the biggest turnout of Drifters plus all sorts of other flying machines on the day


    any questions, reply here or PM me






    date - as Sunday 17th July 2011


    location - Boonah Airfield, Flying Tigers hangar



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