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Everything posted by Av8ta

  1. Been putting it off for years, getting married, trying to get established, working, having kids, also a foster carer. A fella I met the other day who flys c-130s said "just do it, their will always be a reason you shouldn't, so just do it"! So I am, Making time, don't live for ever. Kids are clothed, fed and warm and excited, wife's happy and I'm stoked.
  2. Thanks guys, I've got six kids at home so being 5000ft up in my own space for an hour or two a week is worth every cent. I love my kids but it's never quiet at my place so some time up there in my own world will be great. Their aged 1, 3, 4, 6, 10 & 11, and very noisy!!!
  3. Thanks mark, you sound a bit like me. I don't count things like depreciation as I count that as the enjoyment I got out of whatever it is that has depreciated. My boat costs a fair bit each year for insurance, running costs ie fuel, engine maintenance, registration would cost more than a plane I reckon. Not including fuel, it sounds like the ownership of a plane would be with hanger, insurance, reg, maintenance (not including engine rebuild) would only $4000 or $5000, whichs seems ok. The privledge of being able to own and fly your own aircraft is a real blessing and you can't expect it to be free. Im not gonna rush into it, like I did with my boat!
  4. Thanks rdarby, It seems a whole lot cheaper than my bloody boat and when I was racing bikes. I see your point on hire vs own but where I live theirs only one plane I can hire and I'm an impatient man and don't like waiting, so I think I'll go with owning. Time to sell the boat me thinks! Thanks again for your comprehensive answer.
  5. Thanks, but I'm more interested in the cost once I've purchased the aircraft. Ball park is good, $2000? $4000? $6000? Per year?
  6. G'day, I'm new and only just started getting my licence underway but I'm wondering about the average cost of owning an RA registered plane. I'm very interested in purchasing an aircraft but have little knowledge of annual costs involved.
  7. Great shots, beautiful plane. Shame you have to part with it.
  8. I can't bring myself to watch it, might have something to do with jealously. What an awesome aircraft. Hmmm, christmas is coming up. I wish.
  9. Av8ta

    P92 Eaglet question

    I'm currently learning in a P92 and it has toe brakes.
  10. Hi HI AK, yeah I have flown r/c on and off since I was about 11 years old, I have found that flying in real life is a bit easier than the sims in one way, you get that feedback and sense of speed or lack of, and you can just feel what's going on so much better. Just gotta get my licence, sell my boat and purchase a plane.
  11. Congratulations, I've only had two lessons and loving it. Can't wait till my solo. I can imagine it would feel a little strange the first time solo. Well done Bigfella!
  12. Completed my second lesson, which we concentrated on straight and level flight. Bit bumpy up there but not to bad. Completed take off and landing unassisted again, very excited and loving it. Why didn't I do this sooner?
  13. Thanks everyone, and ayavner I'm flying out of Latrobe Valley, excellent club, quite social and very welcoming. I plan to get my raa with xc and nav and later on move over to ga and maybe push right through to my commercial. At the moment though I'm just gonna enjoy the experience. Haven't been well for a couple of weeks but good now and flying again tomorrow. Hope second flight goes as well as the first.
  14. Just completed my first lesson, my countless hours in microsoft flight sim must of helped, took off, flew around and landed unassisted. I'm absolutely hooked now. Flew a Tecnam p92, beautiful little plane. One down, never ending learning to go. Looking forward to more flights, two more lessons this coming weekend.
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